Episode 11

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" You're not getting out of my grip tonight. " jungkook whisper that into her ear and pulls away.

She wants to kick his leg or step on his feet for says what so inappropriate. She flashed him the most spicy glare yet he act like nothing happened.

She's drag back and front with Jungkook by his grandma to meet her friends. If you asked who's the happiest person in the marriage, it has to be Jungkook's grandma.

For an age like her, after a tired morning till now she still has full energy to socialize. Grandma introduced her to everyone of her friends and even complimented her a lot.

Most of her friends complimented Jungkook like they would want him to marry grandchild instead judging from the way they talk. But she didn't care. She didn't want this marriage so it didn't even hurt.

" Ladies and gentleman it's time to welcome the new couple on to the dance floor. " The announcement was made loud and clear. " Please give Mr. Jeon and Mrs. Jeon a round of applause. " Everyone clapped their hand in excitement.

Y/n completely forgot that she's gonna be dancing with her husband on the wedding. She didn't prepared for that. The most important thing is she's not familiar with the dance.
Jungkook, on the other hand didn't like this dancing thing at all but he didn't hate it right now when he's going to have fun with it.

Y/n was dragged by her husband on to the stage completely clueless. She watches as everyone's eyes are on her. That makes her even nervous than ever. Her hand clutch on his tightly pull Jungkook's attention to her.

" Let the music start. " The slow music start playing and Jungkook pulls her to face him.

His arms sneak around her waist pulls her in closer than it should be. He looks at her in the eyes with the smirk plastered on his face.

" What's so nervous? " He mocks her with an arrogant grin.

" I don't know how to dance. " She blurt looking away from his eyes in embarrassment.

" Just move yourself with me. Put your arms around my neck. " He told her. He pulls her body to slowly move with the rhythm.

She didn't do as he told thinking how close they gonna even be if she wrapped her arms around his neck. She would even feel his breathe on her skin.

" You're pulling me too close. " Feeling the unfamiliar closeness, she argues.

Only them could hear this conversation. And she try her hardest not to look displeased. Jungkook almost laughed out watching her face.

Not only he didn't loosen his clawed on her, he clutched onto her even tighter. He lean down giving his lips a brush on her cheeks.

" Come on, be a good wife and wrapped your arms around my neck. Everyone is watching. " He whisper against her cheeks.

She heard people coos at their romantic move. Little did they know, he's showing his devil side to her.

" You're making scene. " She nudge him away with her shoulder.

It's so embarrassing to be in the center of attention and especially doing something like this.

Jungkook didn't back up from her. Instead, he shamelessly kiss her cheeks. His hand that's on her waist move down her body to her butt.

" Shouldn't we need to put a show for them? " He whisper.

Y/n's eyes widen from his sneaking move. " Stop! " She grits her teeth and step on his feet as to make him behave.

Look like she is teaching the wrong person. This man never once listens to anyone and that not the only problem.

Feeling her body in his arms brings him an unknown joy. He got the feeling that he's gonna have fun teasing and mocking her. He's not someone playful yet he wants to be one when he's around her. He wants to get her mad, she would storm her feet. And then he'll get her madly in love with him.

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