Episode 14

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" You feel me? " He whisper into her ear. " You feels how hard I am for you. Imagine how it feels once it goes inside your tight pussy. "

Her breathe is getting heavy and her body's getting hotter. Maybe because the warmth of his body pressed against her. But it's not just it.

The hardness that pressed against her making her twitch. She wants to just rock her hips to get more friction out of him but it's not right.

One hand on her hip, pinning it down to the mattress while his hips move to rub his hardness against her teasingly. She watch her break apart as her mouth slightly open then bite back to hold the sweet moan.

He knows what he's doing. He knows it works on her as expected. No woman can handle their sexual frustration around him.

He knows She wants him but her stubbornness won't have her begging for it. So he needs to break her. He needs to break her protection because he ruin her.

Jungkook buried his face into the crooked of her neck sucking her angelic sweetness with his eyes close. His hips keep moving slowly rubbing his hardness against her warmth. Enjoy the taste and a little relief.

But the more he tease her, the more painful his cock is. It's like he's teasing himself more than her. With her smooth skin and pure candy smell turn him on even more.

Jungkook's is still fully clothes while she's exposed in her lingerie. He trace the line on her waist to the hem of her lingerie down to her sex. With a quick movement, he already rip the lingerie off of her.

She yelp by the affect of the ripping fabric. Can't he just take it off instead of ripping it? First, the wedding dress, now her undies. What else he's going rip tonight? Obviously, Her pussy.

After he rip it, his hands find her clit. He flicked it and gently rub it. Her mouth hang open head drop back giving more access of her neck for his lips to abused.

His finger trace her hole coating her wetness then smear it around her clit. Y/n bite her lips to hold down her moan from the pleasure he causes her.

" This is all the prep for you because I wait too long. " With a smirk, he bite on her neck.

His hand leaves her to unbuckle the belt and unzipped his pants. The sounds of him unbuckle the belt get her heart beat so fast.

Is this really happening? She thought. Not until he comes face to face with her. With an intense dark gaze, he hold her hand in his.

" Take me out. " with a dominant growl.

She looks at him dumbfounded. Take what? She is clueless until he grabbed her wrist and pulled her to touch his bulge. Her eyes widen in shock wanted to pull her hand away but he held her in place.

" I said take it out. " He growl.

Looking up at his dark eyes daring her to disobey. Right now she under his claws and she has agree to it. Backing down or disobey him only to cause herself bigger trouble.

With his hand still wrapped around her wrist, Her small hesitated to move into his pants and into his boxers. Her hand make a contact with a warm hard skin.

" Hurry up, wrapped your hand around it and take it out.! " He whisper weakly.

With an innocent eyes looking up at him cluelessly, while her hand is in his pant touching his hardness. Of course he's weak.

His grab her and lead to to take a hold of his cock. He hold her hand to pull it out. She break the eyes contact with him.

With curiosity, she looks down in between them to what she's holding right now. Her hand couldn't fully take a hold of him. Her eyes widen at the size she saw.

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