Episode 21

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" Not yet, I need to ruin you more. " He makes sure of that.

The night full with sinful moan, scream, wet squelch and skin slapping. Jungkook did prove his words. He ruining her for good. And she can do nothing others than taking what he gave her.


It's not a good morning waking to someone heavy weights on top. What it means by heavy weights is a giant of a man currently have half of his body on tops of her. She can barely move also breathe.

Jungkook has half of his body weights on her, with his legs over her body, hand caress her skin underneath her breast while his hot breath kissing her neck.

But it's a good method that keeps her warm as she's currently naked in a deadly cold room of her devil husband.

Y/n is not widely awake. Her eyes are still close. Just her body feel all the touch and pressure. Yet it's somehow feel the cozy warmth of his skin.

She hates to wake up right now. But something that has her awake is the annoying urge to pee.

She really needs to go pee or she might peed herself. But if she decided to go, she wouldn't be able into a good sleep in a comfortable position like right now.

Groaning... she really needs to pee. And the pressure of her giants husband barely help her control it.

Y/n tried to twist her body to get off his grip. SHE TRIED! As expected, he hold her captive. Whining about the pressure in between her leg and on her body, y/n pushed at his shoulder.

That action earn a warning grip on her tiny waist. The pressure almost has her peed herself.

" Get off me! " She ordered in a small sleepy voice, though her eyes are still not open.

Nothing happened. Not even a finger lifted. It's all silent again. Groaning in annoyed, y/n want to kick her feet and cry. It ruin her sleep and she doesn't let her go. She hates her morning sleep to be ruined.

" Go back to sleep, Don't ruin the peace. " Jungkook warned with his sexy morning deep voice that triggered her hormones.

It's not like she wants to ruined the peace but she can't hold her pee. " Get off me! I need to pee. "

Only because it's in the morning, her brain isn't processing well. Or she would feel embarrassed to mention that to a man she barely know.

Not moving a single muscle, it has her to keep pushing at his shoulder.

" You can just pee here. " Jungkook blurted out casually as if she need to sneeze.

With her eyes was closed, now it pop open from what he just said. How unbelievable he is.

" You're really crazy! How— " She cursed him.

" You act as if you didn't wet the bed already last night. That I have to move us to another room. " He smirks against her skin. The thought about messing her up replace his sleepiness.

Embarrassment creeping into her barely awake self. How can he just casually talking about this?! How shameless.

" How can you say something like that?! Shameless! " Scolding, she hit his shoulder with her barely weight fist.

" Shameless? I might do something even more shameless. I can just call wake up all the maid in the house pass midnight to replace the bed you make a mess. Instead, I'm considering about your face. I know, You wouldn't fancy it. " speak, with no shame.

The more he speak, the redder her face is getting. She makes a mess and was surely get cleaned by his people.

They will all know about what happened. Especially how she got fucked senselessly by their boss. How embarrassing? How will she face all the people?

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