Episode 23

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Y/n's sitting in the room known as a reading room where there's tons of books. Any types of books organized perfectly and neatly. It's like a library.

Even bigger then a library at her university back then. The thing is it's in this house. A whole library in a house is something she would only found in a novel. Now here she's sitting in one in real life.

Y/n still can't progress how rich of her husband. He's able to own a mansion and install a whole library in his house.

What else did she missed? A ballroom like a castle? Or did he has a whole club? Goldfields? What else? Maybe he even has a bowling room too.

That sounds crazy. Just a library fully equipped is already crazy. If he really has that, she would doubt about his business.

She's so lost in fascinating view of the place clearly forget about the existing presence of a young boy sitting next to her. The one that known as her husband's son. Yeah, great.

She can't stand being an evil step mother or even think about that. Seeing how the kid is very lonely from the way his parents treated him. He may has an evil parents not an evil step mother. Because she will surely love this kid.

" Azel, Would you like me to read a book for you? " Y/n suggested smiling cheerfully at the young boy.

The sulky boy glance at her with a boring glance and he ignore her. It's awkward now. Y/n look at the nannies who stand around. Some of them give her the awkward smile and some give her a disgusted face.

Good to know who hates her so she can just ignore them. It's not surprising. She's married to Jungkook. And their boss is Jungkook's ex and the mother of this kid. They have the right to dislike her.

" Then, what do you usually do when you come here? What do you want me to do for you? " Y/n try to get along by suggesting something he likes doing.

" Guns! Shooting the guns! " He said calmly.

Y/n frowned. Guns? A toy guns he mean? Of course, there can't be a real gun.

" Where do I find those for you? " She asked.

" The Don and Reji know where it is. " He shrugged.

The Don? Who's the Don? " Reji knows where it is? But he's gone with Jungkook already. " Hearing her said that, the boy snaps his head to y/n.

" Why did you call the Don by his name? " The boy give her the fierce glare. " You can't call him that! "

That startled her. This kid looks as intimidating as Jungkook and sure as hell they're father and son.

" Why can't I call him by his name? " She question a three years old.

" You can't! Not anyone can use his name! "

Now she's getting lectured by the three years old on how she should call his father. " But he didn't say anything about me calling him that. " Y/n shrugged.

A Frown form in that small face. " You can? He's not mad? " He asked curiously.

Y/n nods her head. " I don't see him getting mad. "

Gosh, he get mad when people call him by his names while she is here cursing him.

" That's weird. He's mad when mother call his name or go near him. But he's not when you touch his hand or call him his name. " A three year old looks more serious then ever. " Who are you to the Don? " He asked again still cautious about her identity.

Jungkook hates his ex this much that she can't even call him by his name. Even their child.

The fact that he's after her because of how his father doesn't allows his mother to do as he allows her to do. How will she answer this?

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