Episode 26

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" What makes you think I fuck around? " Jungkook tilted his head at her. He acts like he's innocent.

" That's what you are. You change woman like a socks. Everyone knows. Of course you can't stick up with someone like me for long. So, if you needs sex, then suit yourself with those you hooked up with. " she pointed at the door.

Running his hands through his hair, Jungkook sighed. " Don't poked me, y/n. With you keep pushing me to find other woman. Don't say it's my fault. "

The way he said that means he's considering about the decision of being with others and putting the blame on her for pushing him.

Y/n scoffed. " Do whatever you want! I won't know about it anyway. Just don't put your dirty hand on me! And I also deserve my right to be and do whatever I want. Be fair. "

" You won't be free from my protection. That's the rules. Fairness doesn't exist in this world. The faster you get that, the easier you can live. " Jungkook set things right with her.

" I don't get it. Why do I need protection? I've been living freely my whole life. Until you come in and put me behind these bar. " she still doesn't get it.

And he's no way near to let her know the truth about his identity and his work. All she needs to know is there's always danger.

" You're the don's wife. That's the only thing you need to remember. " Jungkook reply calmly.

" Don, what? Are you in the mafia or what? " she blurted out jokingly but truly hit the point.

Jungkook paused a bit to see that she's only bubbling randomly. " You will only do or go somewhere under my watch. You hear me? "

Disagree, y/n refuses. " You don't get to order me! "

" Well? I do. I paid for your life. " He shrugged.

Such an unreasonable retorted, she thinks. " What? You're not. Without you, I'll still able to support my life. I can still send my brother to school. "

Leaning himself back a bit to get comfortable, he casually reply. " But not in this prestigious school I sent him to. Not the restaurant I bought for your mom with helpers. "

Now he wants to bring that up as a reason for he to obey him. " I know you are rich. But that disgust me. I didn't asked for any of this. You didn't do all of this from heart. it's only because you want me in return. "

Nodding his head slowly in agreement. " Right, I want you and I offer to get you. But you accepted it. So fair enough. "

Her face red like she wants to explode. " I didn't accept it because I want that money! Because I do not want to disappoint my mother. "

Jungkook flashed her a smug grin and take her words against her. " Then don't disappoint her and listen to me. "

Y/n scoffs, she runs her hand through that soft silky hair in frustration. " Listen to what? You controlling me? Lock me up while you fly free? How about I do the same to you? "

Jungkook watches her boiling in frustration, wetting his lips before reply. " We're different. I'm capable of protecting myself. But you're not. You're too fragile and clueless that could get you in trouble easily. I need to keep you under my watch. "

Rolling her eyes back at how he thinks of her. " I didn't do anything wrong. I was just going to the store for some art material. I didn't cause trouble. "

" You were with the man you barely know. " this time Jungkook has a stern face on.

" I don't even know you too. And guess what we're married. " Y/n carelessly stated.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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