Episode 12

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" Weren't that, a sinful words from an innocent obedient girl? "

A voice loud and clear was heard. That cause a scream shrieks out of y/n. She's so scared when she turns around to the voice.

She found the man in the dark figure approach her. Because there's no light reflected his figure, she couldn't see who the person is. Her head blanket. The only she knows is scream.

The figured approach her quickly as the scream got louder. He moves to cover her mouth with his hands. She swear she gonna die this moment. No one will heard her scream on this floor especially when the music is on and everyone is distracted. She feels like she's about to cry because of how scared she is.

" You will scream! Just not now. " The person scoffed.

She's pushed untill her back was connected with the make up table. The table light slowly exposed the face of the man.

She's welcome with a lifting smirk lips and Wolfy's eyes staring down at her. Her scream die down, yet his grip cover her mouth hasn't loosen.

Y/n make sure that's the man is her crazy husband. Then her hand move on it own to hit him on his chest with her strength. She expected a groaned or a little back up from him. But he's unaffected by the pain her fist offer. He looks down to where her fist connected with his chest.

An eyebrows raise driving her stomach into the ocean. She knows that she's in trouble.

" You already put your hands on me on the wedding night? " He mocked. " Ouch!? " He fake the pain without even try to make it look convincing. It's obvious that he's making fun of her.

She try to pull his hand from her mouth and unfortunately he let her. A glare from her eyes never soften when it makes contact with his.

" You're crazy. " She spat.

His eyebrow lifted. " Already? It's hasn't been 24 hours yet. "

" I'm not dealing with you, leave! " raising her voice at him thinking there would be no consequences?

Now it a huge mistake because she dare to raise her voice at him. An amused smirk drop and replace with a intense gaze.

His tatto hand is quick to take a hold of her throat. He adds a tiny bit of pressure into it however it's still overwhelmed for her. His hand on her throat pushing her back and pressed her body harder against the makeup table.

Fear flash in her eyes by the action. She doesn't expect him to act like this. She never even think of it.

" Don't raise your voice at me! " He grits at her through his teeth.

Y/n's already shaking like a little bird in the heavy storm. She flinch from his rough voice.

" Are we clear? " He asked roughly.

Scared that he would do more than this, she hum in agreement. She couldn't manage to let out a word or nods her head. She place both of her hands on his that's holding her throat completely taking control of her.

Jungkook smirk seeing the fear in her eyes. Her soft hands trying to take a hold on his rough one, hopefully he didn't squeeze all the air out of her.

This is so good. Why does it turn him on having her under his mercy? She's so pure and breathtaking. Her glossy eyes, lips and her scents get him all ready. He's gonna have her at his mercy tonight.

No, She'll be at his mercy from now on. He'll surely enjoy that for sure.

He looks at her who's scumbling by the fear of getting hurt by him. He hasn't hurt her yet. Not yet. It'll hurt more than that. Not like this.

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