Episode 8

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" You should know by now that I'm a big man with a tiny patience, little wifey " He addressed her so dangerously.

The woman is too stun at the presence infront of her. She can not utter a single word.

" You make me wait enough. I can't do no more. " He looks at his watch as if to tell her that she waste his time. " I hate waiting. Note that. "

She just stand there with her mouth hang open. She thought she's dreaming. " H-how? " Trying to find a question to ask him.

Jungkook tsk seeing her reaction.

She watch his movement with a fasten heartbeat." H-How did you get in?! " Y/n finally comes up with a suitable question to asked.

He watches her as if she's the dumbest woman he ever met.

" You should know how to close the door lead to your balcony properly. Anyone could climb from there. " He point at the open balcony door he just come from.

" No one ever climb up from. " She argues.

" Congratulations, I just did. " He shrugged carelessly.

" he can't climb that high at your age. " She muttered to herself. Didn't know he should hear this or not.

She wants to mocks him and also curious how he can climb up when it's on second floor. It's quite high to climb up.

Raise his brows. He heard her talking about his age. " Did you just call me old? "

She shrugged and avoid eyes contact. Obviously she did. She can see he doesn't lol being call old.

So instead of apologizing for what she said, she come after him for what he did. " What do you want this late? "

" It's not late and I come here for a reason. "

What do you mean not late? It's nearly 12 am. You can't just come to my house at this hour."

" I'm a busy man. I'm not available at the daytime. " He act like she wants him to be here.

" Then just don't come here. " She rolls her eyes at him.

His brows twitch at her rudeness. He shouldn't allow her to blabbing at him like this. He doesn't like that attitude. " Why can't I be here? "

" Do you really have to ask why? " She scoffed. " I have a man waiting outside of my house late at night. Not only that, he climb up into my room. It's not a good sighted. People will talk about that. "

Jungkook doesn't even care of what she said. " Who will talk? "

" Neighbors! Look, this will damage my name and my family. You should know. "

" What's wrong with them talking? Do you really care of what people about think you? " He chuckled.

She's quite taken aback by the question. " I-I don't! But my mother do. This is wrong. So respect my mom decision and not do such a thing. "

Jungkook seems to find the answer funny." We are going to marry very soon. " He raised a questioning brow. " People can't gossip about me coming to see my soon to be bride, can they? "

She gulped when he mentioned the relationship status between.

" What's wrong with a man trying to spend time with his fiancée? "

A blush tint visible on her cheeks when he mentions her as his fiancée. She didn't know why. " Why do you have to marry me? " The idea of their marriage is just doesn't sit right with her.

He watches her expression with a serious face. " I don't see why not? " Like he's trying to read through her body language. " Gimme a good reason. "

" I-I don't know. " She stutter not knowing what to say. She surely have a lot of reasons for that but it's hard to form into sentences. " Don't you afraid that marry me would ruin your reputation? "

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