Episode 22

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" Why do you look like you're in a rushed? " Jungkook asked, not even looking at her.

Y/n is stunned. She thought that when she open the door she'll greet with a hallway nearby her room.

But no! This room is connected to the office. Now she's standing in the office with a man she's trying to run from.

This is the first time she see his office. The place is huge with a dark minimalist decoration. All his things are well organized. Not even a thing crooked. That give her the urge to messed up his stuff just to get him annoyed.

Jungkook didn't get her answer, glanced up from his paper work. When his eyes fully settled one her, his throat dries. He openly stare at her without even blink.

Y/n feel his stare burnt her as she tries her hardest to avoid eyes contact with him. But the way his eyes didn't leave her has her squirm in that spot.

And it's when she realizes it's because of what she wear. Is he mad that she put on his expensive clothes without his permission?

" I—I- there's no clothes I can wear so— " She tried to explain.

She's getting nervous when he said nothing and still continue staring at her. Jungkook turn his chair to face her and leans his body back, resting on his office chair.

His elbow on the armrests while his hands caress his own chin. He's eyes fucking her while she stood there completely still.

" W—Why do you keep staring at— " She stutter out a question as the tension is getting tighter.

He cuts her words. " I'm debating with myself whether I like you naked more or I like you in my clothes more. "

Her cheeks turns blushing pink right after he said that. But nervousness from being pin down by his stare still doesn't leave her.

She looks around the room to ease her nervousness. " I can't find any clothes for me. " Y/n reasoned because it's not her intention to put on his clothes just to give him a show.

" I know. " His hand rubbing his jaw. " I was expecting to see you walk out here naked or just in that small towel. " He smirks, his eyes piercing through the clothes. " But in this? Sweet peach, When I clearly know that you have nothing underneath that shirt and just my shirt alone on you. You're driving me nuts. "

Angry frown lift up on her face hearing his wicked intentions. " How shameless? How could you expect something like that from me? No! You purposely plan this out just so you can see me naked? " She blurted out fire.

Instead of going along with her, Jungkook smirks didn't faded. He's still shamelessly run his eyes all over her body, burning her skin every time his eyes glued on.

Getting no different reaction from him, y/n is burning with flame of anger. " You're filthy! "

His eyes then raised from her body to her face that's now red from anger and embarrassment. Spreading his legs while his eyes glued with her.

" Come to me. " He said, eyes motion her to the space between his spread thighs.

Y/n scoffed at his words. " If you think that I'm going to listen, th- "

Jungkook cut her off. " I think you have listened. Now let me see you closer. "

He has that most dangerous look that she can't stand her ground. Despite being mad at him, she's forced to take closer to the dangerous lion.

He's right. She has to listen to what he said because she's now on her own. She's living under his roof with nothing in defense. He own everything here yet she only own a body and a soul in this house. Her mom isn't here to help her. No one here will help her.

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