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[I left a sigh of exhaustion and didn't answer. I force myself to calm down so we could continue the conversation in a better tone.]

I told them that I had already talked to my therapist about the whole situation and that she didn't provided any information on the topic, that my parents wouldn't listen to me and that no natural method would help me sleep.

"So," said Max, "you go see a doctor by yourself."

I rolled my eyes. I supposed it wouldn't hurt, although the problem with the nonexistent shadow wouldn't be fixed this way.

The bell rang, we headed to our classes.

As we walked through the hallways, I saw the figure again out of the corner of my eye. I panicked and turned around quickly, but as expected, there was nothing there. "What's wrong Soph?" asked Ava that was walking me to class. I was starting to think that maybe my friends were right after all, and it was all in my head.  "I'm alright," I lied, my eyes still fixed where I saw the shadow, "I thought I heard my name."

As I walked to my next class, and the one after, I couldn't help but feel like something was watching me. The feeling of unease followed me all day, and I couldn't wait for the final bell to ring so I could rush home.

When I got there, I went straight to my room and tried to forget the whole ordeal. I finished my homework and when the night came, I got a text from Ethan.

How are you feeling?

Good, I guess

If you need anything during the night, hit me up ok?

I know Ethan, thanks

I sighed and let my body fall on the mattress. Minutes went by, then an hour.

I opened my eyes. As I lay down in bed that night, I saw the figure again. This time, it was clearer and more defined than the last time I had seen it. It was standing in the corner of my room, staring at me with dark, emotionless eyes.

I screamed, and my parents  and sister came running into my room to make sure I was okay. I told them I thought I saw a spider, but turns out it was just some dust. "Oh my goodness, Sophia, you scared us."

They all went back to sleep, but, naturally, I didn't.

Are you up?

Yeah is everything okay?

Not at all

Want me to come over?


Ethan was an honest and caring friend. I knew I could trust him and rely on him. Though I wasn't thinking straight at that moment, I knew I needed company.

After about ten minutes, he was right outside my window. I opened it so he could climb in.

"What happened?" he whispered.

"I can't continue living like this, feeling like I am being watched and followed every second." my voice muffled by his shoulder.

We spent the night awake, whispering to eachother every now and then. Until the morning sun kissed the horizon.

"The others are waiting at Cuppa." he whispered as he stood up.


"Yeah I texted them to go for a morning coffee."

I got dressed in my bathroom and we met outside my house, he went out from the window and I walked out the door. We walked to the coffee shop in silence, the sun's gentle rays cascaded upon us, illuminating our path.

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