X - end

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[I need to take a moment to savor the warmth of the mug in my hands, filled with chamomile I gathered earlier today. Give me a minute to stretch my arms, I'll be back soon.]

Outside, a symphony of sounds fills the air. The chirping of birds, the gentle rustling of leaves, and the distant hum of a tractor working on a nearby field create a harmonious backdrop to my thoughts. It's in these moments of stillness that I find clarity and inspiration, as if the very essence of the countryside infuses my words with a touch of magic.

The sun begins its descent, and I'm almost done with my writing. I'm stalling, I know. I just want to close my journal with a sense of fulfillment. Honestly, the weight of the past years' events feels lighter now, transformed into a story that has been told, understood, and embraced.

In this peaceful haven, surrounded by nature's glory, I find temporary closure and a renewed sense of purpose. I am scared out of my mind. I can't help it and I won't hide it.

For now I have a heart full of memories and a mind brimming with stories.

I'll close my journal, knowing that this chapter of my life hasn't reached a beautiful conclusion just yet. The sun dips below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of pink and orange, I take a deep breath, feeling a sense of peace and contentment wash over me.

In the stillness of the evening, I know I will live in peace for the time.

Last night my great aunt came to me with a prayer for insomniacs, I will read it every night, we'll see how this goes.

I take my time writing this, the room is now bathed in the soft glow of twilight, casting long shadows that dance across the walls.

In this moment of quiet introspection, I know that this story is far from over. I may have reached the end of one chapter, but there are countless blank pages waiting to be filled.

The upcoming school year will start and then, and only then, I'll have to think about the seance and the insomnia. I'll ask a friend to bring me sleeping pills, someone I know is willing to help. The visions will end and I'll enjoy my last year of school just like everyone else. I will.

But for now, I'll let the unwavering belief that every ending is just as much of a beginning, lead me, to the next day.

Hey people, I just wanted to say a big thank you for reading this book. I had a great time writing it, and I really hope you enjoyed it. I had completed it last summer so sorry it took me half a year to actually publish it. Life happens.
I also wanted to share a special note with you as we wrap up this book. The events in the story were inspired by my own experiences, like playing ouija with friends and dealing with sleep troubles and night terrors, arguing with my parents about this matter and not getting the help I need. However, the spirit was purely fictional, the characters too, even though their personalities were inspired by some of my real-life friends.
I learned a lot from this experience, and I'll be taking everything I've learned into my next writing project.
Until then, I hope you guys stay safe and healthy out there. Prioritize your physical and mental health, and feel free to reach out to me if you want to talk. I'm more than happy to listen to anything you have to say. Keep reading, keep dreaming, and keep embracing the magic of storytelling! Thanks again, I believe in you, I value you, and remember to love yourself, goodbye.

Séance Insomnia Where stories live. Discover now