VI - downfall

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[I felt a rush of adrenaline, my senses heightened, as I became acutely aware of every creak, whisper, and gust of wind that brushed against my skin. My breath caught in my throat, my heart pounding in my chest, as the unshakeable feeling of being watched began to crawl up my spine.]

Every sound seemed magnified, every shadow elongated. I quickened my pace, my footsteps echoing, matching the rapid rhythm of my racing thoughts. Every so often, I glanced over my shoulder, half-expecting to catch sight of a lurking figure and catching glimpses of movement that vanished as soon as I looked.

The path that I had taken countless times before began to feel like an unexplored maze, ripe with potential dangers lurking behind every turn. I clutched my belongings tightly, seeking comfort and reassurance in the familiar weight against my side.

I tried to convince myself that it was just my imagination playing tricks on me, but the sense of being threatened persisted, leaving me longing for the safety and comfort of my own home.

Suddenly, a flicker of movement caught my eye. I turned my head, and in the distance, a shadowy figure seemed to materialize. My heart quickened, and a ringing sensation filled my ears. Panic set in as the figure grew clearer, its presence unnerving. With every step I took, it seemed to match my pace, its intentions unclear. Fear consumed me, and I broke into a sprint, desperate to reach the safety of my home.

Every passing minute felt like an eternity, until finally, the sight of my home on the horizon brought a wave of relief that washed over me.

Breathless and trembling, I arrived, slamming the door shut behind me and locking it tightly, seeking solace within the familiar confines of my house. I peered through the window, my eyes wide with trepidation, hoping to find nothing but emptiness outside.

As I stood there, my heart pounding in my chest, I strained my ears to make sense of the loud banging on the door. Fear gripping me, I desperately tried to turn on the lights for some reassurance, but to my dismay, my finger stung as it grazed the burned switches. I licked my hurt finger, the darkness enveloped me, and with each creak and shuffle, the noises seemed magnified, echoing through the house a hundred times louder. Every sound sent shivers down my spine, keeping me on high alert, as I anxiously wondered what might happen next.

The banging in my door continued, only getting louder and more aggressive. As much as I wanted to get far away from the door, I quickly rushed to hold it, fearing it might break down. Trembling with adrenaline, I braced myself against the door, determined not to let whatever was outside get in. The banging grew more intense, testing my resolve. With each impact, my heart raced, but I remained steadfast in my efforts to keep the door secure. With one unsteady hand I held my phone.

Come over
As fast as you can

Eventually, the banging stopped, and an eerie silence hung in the air. I cautiously released my grip on the door, as I heard a light knocking. I took a moment to catch my breath and gather my nerves before looking through the peephole.

As I opened the door, dried tears had left their mark after streaming down my face. Ethan wrapped his arms around me, offering comfort and reassurance. He spoke soothingly, gently calming my racing heart and helping me solace in his presence.

"Why is it so dark in here?" he gently asked, probably in an attempt to calm me down. "All lights have burned out." I answered through my trembling voice.

He stood up and went to a nearby lamp. I saw him looking at me concerned before plugging it in and turning it on. With a soft glow filling the room, he walked back to my, gently saying, "It's okay, it just wasn't plugged in." His action brought back tears on my eyes.

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