IX - summer

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[And as expected, he said I should speak to a therapist. Just like my therapist said I should see a doctor. Dead end.]

For a while, our lives went through a major upheaval. But as the seasons changed from winter to spring, we gradually found our footing in the rhythm of everyday life.

School became a comforting routine, providing a sense of normalcy amidst the chaos. Step by step, we returned to familiar routines - chatting in the hallways, studying in the library, and sharing lunches in the courtyard. Our friendships grew stronger, and we made a point to cherish the little things, like impromptu hangouts, movie marathons, and late-night chats. Our days were filled with laughter, inside jokes, and shared moments of growth. As I said, school kept us busy.

Spring season brought a renewed sense of hope and resilience as we embraced the beauty of everyday moments. Life slowly returned to normal, but my sleep schedule stayed as inconsistent as always.

My encounters with the shadow persisted too, yet I chose to ignore it, despite the fear it stirred within me.

In those fleeting moments, I would catch glimpses of it's figure from the corner of my eye, only for a few brief seconds. It would send shivers down my spine, but I would quickly look away, refusing to let it consume my thoughts and energy.

I kept this secret to myself, only keeping my friends informed, knowing that sharing it with doctors might lead to them dismissing me as crazy. Instead, I relied on my inner strength, surrounding myself with the support of my friends and finding solace in their unwavering presence.

During the intense exam season, we decided to take much-needed breaks and unwind at our favorite coffee shop every morning before exams.

I didn't feel like getting out of bed today. Or the days after. But here I was. With the help of friends, things could become a little more bearable.

As we sipped our drinks, conversation naturally turned to the looming exams. Emily, always the proactive one, asked, "How's everyone preparing for the exams?"

Jake replied first, "I think I studied enough."

Ava, chimed in, "Me too."

"I haven't studied at all." Max admitted.

"Me neither." I shrugged.

"You never do! How do you always get As?" asked Max frustrated, while taking quick notes to hide inside her bra.

Turning the conversation towards me, Ethan asked, "Hey, how have you been sleeping lately? We haven't talked about it for a while."

I sighed and admitted, "Honestly, my sleep hasn't been great. As you know, I still see that figure from time to time," I took my time, "It's been a long month and I get about ten hours of sleep every week," my voice choked with emotion, "I think things will change once summer break comes along and brings a different routine."

Sympathy filled their eyes as they listened attentively. Ava offered words of encouragement, "Hang in there. Surely a change in routine during summer break will bring some peace of mind. You deserve some restful nights."

Emily added, "And remember, we're always your support system."

They smiled at me, and I felt a wave of relief wash over me. Maybe things could go back to how they used to be, after all.

As we continued our conversation, the coffee shop buzzed with laughter, study tips, and friendly banter, offering a much-needed respite from the stress of exams. Before we knew it we needed to head to school to take the first exam for the week.

After that, we gathered outside of school to eagerly exchange our answers and debate the challenging questions.

Laughter and animated conversations filled the space as we compared our responses, trying to decipher the correct answers. Some celebrated their confidence in certain questions, while others sought reassurance from their peers.

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