VIII - what now?

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["My head." said Ava and the rest of us answered, "Mine too."

"It only get's worse," she complained, "Jesus Christ, guys, do something!"]

With a steady hand I held the cross in my necklace tight, and prepared to perform a banishing spell to rid the room of whatever malevolent force had invaded our sanctuary.

"I summon the forces of light and darkness, to cast away what's unwelcome in our space. Release the negative energy, let it depart without a trace. With our heartfelt goodbyes, we banish you from our lives, freeing us from harm and strife." Emily chanted, her voice dry from fear.

"I call upon powers far and near to banish what's not welcome here. What's unwanted and causes harm, may now be set apart. Now that we said our goodbyes we banish you out of our lives!"

As I spoke the ancient incantations the way Emily indicated, I channelled my energy into the spell. Simultaneously, Ava opened a bottle of holy water and emptied it in a circle around us. At that moment a miraculous sight unfolded before our eyes. The candles that had been extinguished suddenly burst back to life, illuminating the room with a renewed glow. The warmth and flickering flames brought a glimmer of hope to the otherwise darkened space.

"Does that mean it's still here?" Emily choked, "What the fuck do you want from us?" she yelled.

In response, the atmosphere shifted, becoming less hostile. I and Ava sensed that shift, a sign that perhaps our presence had been acknowledged.

"I command every demonic entity that has entered into my life, has to bow its knee in the name of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ." I started whispering a prayer in a desperate attempt to feel safe. In unison, Ava took my hand and began repeating the heartfelt prayer, seeking protection and guidance from the divine.

As the final words of the prayer left our lips, a palpable stillness settled over the room. The wind ceased its howling, the headaches subsided, and a sense of tranquility washed over the group.

Now, in the calm after the storm, we awaited the next revelation, our hearts filled with both trepidation and a newfound sense of strength. We waited, just looking at eachother, until we were sure we were alone.

"Alright I'm turning the lights on." said Emily before mustering the courage to break away from our protective circle. With a determined step, she ventured towards the light switch, her hand trembling slightly as she reached for it. As the room flooded with illumination, a wave of relief washed over us, casting away the shadows of fear that had enveloped us. We looked at our brave friend with gratitude in our eyes, grateful for her act of bravery and the light that dispelled the darkness.

With heaving breaths, we stood there, taking in the newfound sense of security and absorbing the weight of what had just happened. Overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment, we collapsed onto the small couch, half on the cushion and half on the floor. We took a moment to process the intense mix of emotions and thoughts that flooded our mind. Ready to discuss the events that had unfolded, we gathered around, eager to share our thoughts and emotions, seeking solace in conversation.

I examined everyone's shocked expression, their eyes took on a distinct glint of doubt and uncertainty. They seemed distant and unfocused, as if searching for evidence or probing for answers that challenge what they were being presented with. It was almost as if their gaze was wandering through a maze of skepticism, refusing to settle on any particular point. The intensity of it could be seen in the way their eyes avoided making direct contact, revealing their reservations.

"What just happened?" Jake broke the silence.

"I... don't really know" Emily said half stunned and half excited, the adrenaline clearly still rushing inside her.

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