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["In every session the responses range from cryptic to downright chilling, but we never stop asking. We are desperate to know more. Didn't you know this would inevitably happen?"

"You're stressing Sophia," Ethan stopped her.

We paused for a second.

"Alright," Ava surrendered, "but I'm bringing holy water."]

"And also," Max demanded, "Sophie will go see a doctor, right after the session."

"I'll ask my mother to set you an appointment with someone in her clinic." Jake told me.

I nodded in response.

Max took charge of discussing the logistics. "Alright, guys, let's find a time and place for this."

"We don't need to have it on Sophie's place right?  Since the spirit will follow her nonetheless."

"Right," Emily responded, "then I think my place is ideal. Cause if we do it tomorrow, when my parents are out for the day, we'll have the privacy we need."

"Your parents are out again?" Jake asked but we ignored him once again.

Ethan chimed in, his skepticism slowly giving way to curiosity. "Sounds good. What should we bring?"

I pulled out my phone and opened a note-taking app. "I'll make a list. We'll need candles, incense, sage, the bible and holy water and some calming music to set the ambiance. Anything else?"

Emily leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "How about crystals? They can help with protection and positive energy."

I smiled warmly, appreciating my friend's attention to detail. "That's a great idea, Em. And we should perform a banishing spell."

"And we shouldn't forget to wear crosses." Ava chimed in.

"Don't you think the spirit will stay away from us then?"

"That's the point," she said playing with her hands.

"Then why don't we just carry crosses everywhere and we never do the dance thing?" he snapped back with a silly voice.

"It's not a dance! It's a ritual!" said Emily, letting her head slump back.

We chatted animatedly about the specifics, deciding on the time, gathering all the necessary items, and even sharing a few funny stories to lighten the mood.

"So, you two have been spending a lot of time together?" asked Jake gesturing to me and Ethan.

We laughed as we were all used to be flirting with eachother. "It's not like that." said Ethan while scratching his neck. "It better not be." Max winked at me.

Amidst the lighthearted banter and heartfelt moments, we took turns sharing updates on our hobbies and interests. We discussed books we've recently read, movies we couldn't wait to watch, and upcoming events we were looking forward to attending together.

As the hours passed, we realized we had, once again, lost track of time. Reluctantly, we gathered our belongings, promising to meet again soon, specifically tomorrow at nine. We left the coffee shop, our hearts warmed by the connection and camaraderie we share.

And so, just like every other visit to Cuppa, our meeting somehow ended with a sense of fulfillment and the anticipation of a memorable night to come.

My walk home was filled with a mix of excitement and fear, my mind buzzing with the possibilities of what layed ahead.

Tomorrow, we would come together, our hearts united, to dive into the depths of the unknown, ready to face whatever may come our way.

This was something we all looked forward to. Even though the deeper cause was to help me out. In reality we had all missed our ouija session as it had been about two weeks since our last one.

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