Chapter 7

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Minho leaned back into his wheeled rocking chair. He sighed heavily.

Noticing this, Changbin walk beside him, around the desk.

"Something's on your head?" he asked as he sat on the desk, infront of Minho.

Minho sighed again. "Something's not adding up in this case..." he trailed off.

Changbin tilted his head in question.

"It's a year old case. Something like this is expected." he said as he crossed his arms on his chest.

"No I mean... This guy...!" Minho placed a photograph clicked from a CCTV camera.

He placed his index finger on that picture a few times, making tapping sounds.

"This guy!" he repeated.

"What about this guy?" Changbin asked.

"This guy..." Minho sighed, "He's just roaming freely on streets if it's nothing serious he's done..." he completed.

"So, what's you're saying is....—?" Changbin again asked not getting a single thing his boss spoke out.

Yes, boss!
Sure there are friends, but Lee Minho's the new head detective. He too used to be a junior, like Changbin, but eventually because of his hardwork and dedication, he got promotion. Of course Changbin's hardworking, but this old cold case.

Minho sighed, slightly rolling his eyes.

"This guy is definitely hiding his personality! He's disguising himself into someone more...more reliable...more trustworthy.... someone more of a like...—"

".... someone like a student!" Changbin complete the sentence.

"" Minho uttered at a slow pace.

"That...that means We just need to check all the CCTV cams near the college!" Changbin said as he clapped his hands loudly, shortly.

"Correct!" Minho pointed his index finger at Changbin and went towards the security room shortly after.




Felix's college just ended. Today was very boring for him cause both of him friends didn't come since they didn't had any of their subjects today.

As soon as he excited they main gate, he was greeted with his boyfriend. He ran towards him and hugged him tightly.

Hyunjin lifted him and turned around a few rounds. He occasionally kissed his neck and sniffed his scent.

"How's my baby?!" Hyunjin asked, making Felix land back on group.

Felix smiled in a fake sad smile. "It was very boring...none of my friends come today..." he pouted.

"Awh, is it so ...?" Hyunjin too pouted. "Let me make it up to you~" he said as he intertwined their fingers together and went right towards their appartments.




"Where this boy could be hiding?!" Minho greeted his teeth as he played the 37th cam recording.

"It's already dark bro, let's continue this..." Changbin yawned, "... tomorrow...?"

"Uh..." Minho sighed. "Just let's atleast watch till the 40th recording..." he said as he played the next one.

Changbin sighed.

While the recording was playing, they found the exact thing they were looking for so damn long.

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