Chapter 8

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Minho and Changbin, as planned, reached the college area at the break of dawn.

"In this photo, the place is.....ummm....." Minho tried to match the exact place that was shown in the photo from that cams.

"Is here...?" he kind of questioned himself.

"Alright, I'll go and check the other places." Changbin said and went to the opposite direction.

Meanwhile, Minho tried to predict the activities that his suspect and his potentially next victim might be doing while this photo was taken. He positioned himself in that exact same position and direction.

"Got anything, boss?" Minho turned his head to see Jeongin standing beside him.

"Jeongin! What the heck are you doing here?!" Minho whisper scolded him as he turned that boy to the direction of their van.

"Don't call me by my real name..!! Just I.N!!" Jeongin nagged.

"Fine!" Minho rolled his eyes, "I.N, I already gave you a job. Why are you here then?!" Minho said in a tired voice.

"Weeellllllll, I already finished that case and have handed over to my senior. I was bored, so I decided to pursue you guys!" I.N clapped his hands at the end

Minho sighed deeply and dropped his shoulders.

"I.N, I don't think you can help in this a-year-old-cold-case...." Minho said, eye brows crooked.

"Boss, please... I can! Trust meeeee!!!" I.N started to nag.

"Urgggg! Fine, shut up!" Minho said.

"Go and help Changbin!" he order.

Hearing this, I.N jumped in the air in happiness. "Thank you!!"

Minho sighed. He rubbed his temples with his first two fingers. Looking in front of him, he decided to move forward and ask some people around from different apartments.

It was just a five minute walk from his last location.

To his surprise, there was only one apartment in that whole area. So he knew that the new guy might be staying here. Without wasting another moment, Minho knocked on the door of the landlady.

The door opened after a minute.

"Yes...?" a middle aged woman came out from the other side of the door.

"Umm...hello, I'm the chief detective of the Seoul Investigation Department... Mr. Lee..." the face of the woman immediately became worried.

"How may I help you...?" she said.

"Actually, we are looking for this guy..." he showed her the picture. "We believe that his guy-"

"Yes!! He used to live here! In this apartment!!" hearing this, Minho's eyes sparkled, but...

"Wait...used to?" Minho repeated.

"Um, yes. He left three days ago..." she said with a worried face.

Minho's concern increased immensely.

By that time, Changbin also reached that place and stood beside Minho.

"Found anything?" he asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Minho looked at Changbin with concern.
"To which date does this picture belong?" Minho asked.

Now Changbin also became worried. He quickly took out his phone from his pocket and searched for something.
Looking at Minho, he opened his mouth.

"1 day ago, at 1 pm..." he said, making Minho's jaw drop.

He immediately looked at the woman in front of him.

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