chapter one : micheal

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Tears are embedded within my soft rosy cheeks, I feel flushed and light headed.
My hair is wet from the torrential rain pouring down over the small town of Brixton.

I am now sat in the questioning room of the police station.
This was Kassidys idea, it always is, she thinks this is the best thing to do.

However I don't. My husband is a broken man. He doesn't understand what he's doing to me isn't right but I allow it because I know how much he really cares about me and April.

The first time, I was shocked, of course I was, how could I not be if your husband suddenly slaps you right in the face, but then the second and third time happened, then I realised this isn't a normal marriage or life at all.

I knew I had to listen to Kassidy, which is why I'm here now. To be safe, for our baby girl.
Of course I will never let this side of our marriage get to her, she needs to think her Dad is a super dad, which he always will be in here doe shaped eyes.

"Are you ready to start Evie?" Liam states towards me.

Liam is a old friend of mine, we met when we were both kids, both of Brixton, you know when you grow up in Brixton you know everyone. We never grew apart.

Now he is living his dream, working as a police officer in the local and only station.

Looking up towards him with sad eyes I quickly nod my head and place my hands on my lap.

Liam sits opposite me with another office accompanying him by his side. They hit the tape recorder and begin the interview.

"The date is July 28th 2022, 1:14pm. Evie, when was the first time you met Micheal Davis?" He looks me straight in the eyes, I feel like he understands my pain.

"I met Michael when I just turned 29. It was in a supermarket of all places. At first glance he seemed sweet, funny, like a real person..." I stutter and take a breather.

"A week later he wouldn't stop calling me until I agreed to go on a first date with him..." I laugh to myself to hide my pain.

"Looking back at it now, I should have saw the signs early on, then I wouldn't be in this mess now... would I?" I look at Liam for an answer but he has none, he just looks down at his paperwork once more.

"After that he was amazing, loving and caring. But when it all started was a few days after our wedding..." I begin to cry as I try to get my words out as best as I can.

Liam places his hand on the table and consoles mine.
"It's okay. Take you time." He utters quietly.

Nodding my head I try to gather my thoughts and emotions back into one piece again.

"The first time, we were in our house that he had surprised me with the night we got married as a gift. Nothing was wrong that day, nothing went wrong. We were still in our honeymoon faze, we were really good, but then... but then on the night it was like a spark lit inside his head, a spark or fury and rage... he flipped completely." I take a breather once again and look at my surroundings.

"That was the first time he laid his hands on me to cause pain." As soon as I finish my sentence I look up towards Liam, I can see a slight bit of anger behind his eyes. He never liked Micheal, even though he says he did, I know the truth.

Maybe I should have listened to him as well?

Coming back to reality my emotions get the better of me again and being to cry it uncontrollably.

"I'm... I'm sorry I can't... I can't... can we stop..." Before I finish my sentence, Liam shuts the interview machine of straight away and stares right in my eyes while I'm still a pool of mess.

The other police officer exists the room leaving me and Liam alone.

"Evie, I promise we are going to find him and lock him away for good, he ain't gonna hurt you or April ever again. I will make sure of that." His voice is tough and stern.

"Thank You." Is all I can say.

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