chapter eight : little three words

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After the night is over I try and close my eyes and drift off into a peaceful sleep slowly but surely forgetting about my husbands words just a few hours earlier.

Why would he act that way? It's Liam he's been in my life all my life.

Drifting of into a peaceful sleep my mind is silent, that is until I get an unlikely and not so pleasant wake up call, rising rapidly from mine and Michael's bed I hold my hand up to my mouth. Looking over at a peaceful Micheal, he is sound asleep laying on his side facing away from me.

As I don't want to wake him I make my way over to the bathroom which is conveniently placed just across the hall from our bedroom. Landing on the floor I spill my guts into the bowl of the toilet before sighing and leaning back, I then quickly get myself up and splash some cold water over my face to wake me up.

I can't be. Pregnant. Could I? I mean me and Micheal have before the wedding but it's just not possible. Before thinking further I grab an test I keep spare for emergencies, mostly for Kassidy, but now it is my turn.

Taking the test I shake uncontrollably with nerves running through my body, after I finish I lay it flat on the counter and it's right what everyone says, this is definitely the longest 2 minutes of my life. I find myself pacing within the small bathroom biting my nails.

Finally the time is up and I anxiously look at the result.

Oh no.

Quickly I grab my phone and call Kassidy meanwhile I try and be as quiet as possible but inside I am losing my mind.

"What are you doing up at this time? What's up!" Her voice is loud and clear on the other side of the line.

"I don't know. I... I need to tell you something Kass... I don't know how I'm feeling at the moment." I utter under my breath.

"What's wrong Evelyn?" She replies.

"I think I'm pregnant." My words are bold and simple.

"You think! Did you take a test."

"Yes, I took one just a minute ago, it came back positive." I start biting my nails more.

"Evelyn, you're pregnant." She states before screaming with happiness down the phone.

"I'm so happy for you, you have always wanted this and now you finally are making you dreams come true.... Are you happy?" She asks me.

"I think so, I need to tell Micheal first so then I can understand my own feelings. I just can't believe it." I lift my hand to my head in disbelief as a smile spreads across my tired face.

"Believe it!" She booms.

"Thank you Kass, I will call you in the morning okay after I tell Micheal."

"Okay you better. Goodnight." She hangs up the phone as I continue staring at the test in disbelief.

I can't believe it I'm going to be a mother.

In the morning I am in the kitchen cooking eggs and bacon, the stench of the pan is knocking me so sick but I continue as they are for Micheal.

As he walks in he places a kiss on my forehead before he sits at the table fully dressed.

"What you cooking?" He asks without looking towards me.

"Eggs and bacon. For you. I'm not hungry just yet." I speak as I dish them onto his plate and place it in front of him before sitting down myself in the opposite chair.

"Thank you baby. What's brought this out of you?" He asks while taking his first bite.

"I need to tell you something Micheal." As I finish speaking his face drops.

"I'm pregnant." I speak.

We sit in silence for a few moments before he starts to break it.

"Oh my god. Really. Really baby... you're pregnant." He drops his fork onto his plate which causes me to flinch just a little. I really don't know how he was going to react. But this is good.

He makes his way over and as rise out of my chair smiling towards him.

"We are gonna have a baby Evie." He places one hand on my stomach and the other on my cheek softly caressing it.

"We are Micheal." I beam with anticipation.

He lifts me up and spins me around twice in the air before putting me gently to the ground, I can tell he is beyond excited. I'm so happy.

"I love you." His words make my heart flutter.

Staring into his eyes I repeat the same little three words.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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