chapter four : forever starts today

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Me and my father are now stood exactly where were in my dream last night. Although now it is a different environment, and hopefully very different circumstances.

We are now waiting within the lodge by the door, trying to peak out of the front curtain I see a ray of filled seats with white curtains dropping down from the emerald pine trees that they are tied to at either side, conveying a perfect aisle for me to walk down.

I spot my mother at the seat at the front of the aisle and my distant cousins sat beside her.

But there is still one person missing from today who should have been here but I fully understand why he could make it. He's a police officer he can't miss work for me. He is my childhood friend there hasn't been a time where he hasn't been here for me, until today, but I'm a strong woman I can get by without Liam for just one single day. I hope.
Still a piece of me is missing.

Kassidy emerges from the living room door.

"Right is everybody ready and feeling okay?"

"I think so..." I utter nervously while still trying to focus on my breathing and keeping it as stable as possible, I don not want a anxiety attack up there.

"Your going to be amazing." Kassidy looks at me directly in my eyes.

At this point the music slowly starts to arise from the violins at the end of the aisle. The melody is calming and helping me collect my thoughts into one.
Lets keep it like that shall we Evelyn?

Kassidy lines up in front me then it is me and my father hand in hand stood behind.

As she walks into the distance she gets smaller and smaller as she reaches where Micheal is placed.
Keep calm Evelyn, it's going to be okay, just keep breathing.

My father notices my unusual behaviour.

"It's okay honey." At the moment he squeezes my hand just a little tighter, thank god at least my parents are here.

"Its us. You ready?"

Quickly I nod. As I can't bring myself to speak otherwise I'll be scared of sick coming up with my words.

My feet feel like they are stuck in place but as soon I move them they release from the ground heavily. I'm now at the start of the isle, looking around all faces are focussed on me, like I'm the main event, attraction.

Gradually getting further and further to the middle now, a flood of Oakwood enters my senses as I breath in and out. I've always felt calm when I am outside, that's why it was Michaels idea to have the wedding here in Brixton woods. To make me feel a little easier.

Looking up I finally see Micheal, he looks happy calm and collected with his hands round his back looking straight towards me. Tears are welling in his eyes as they do mine.

My Father shakes his hand as he takes his seat next to my mother once again.

Micheal looks so handsome in that suit. So smart and hot. Lucky I get to call him my husband soon enough.

"Please all be seated." The minister announces as they obey.

"Dearly beloved, you have come together so that in the presence of the church's minister and the community, your intention to enter into marriage may be strengthened by the Lord with a sacred sea." He continues.

"Please Micheal repeat after me..."

"I Micheal David take you Evelyn Mae Jones to be my wife. I promise to be faithful to you, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and to honor you all the days of my life." Micheal repeats softly while I'm staring into his eyes.

As I do the same I can't help but feel like I'm still a dream, a good dream this time. Everything feels and looks perfect around me.

"Evelyn receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the father, and the son, and the holy spirit."
Michel places the silver plated oval shaped ring onto my wedding finger gently. It slowly glides down my fingertips as I smile gently.

Taking a deep breath I take Michaels ring from the small pillow in the minister's and being to speak.

"Micheal...receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the father, and the son, and the holy spirit."

The minister takes over once again.

"I now declare you both legally husband and wife! You may now kiss your beautiful bride..."

Micheal takes me by the hand and the other softly caressing my back as he pulls me into his lips. The kiss is magic and lasts forever.

Everyone erupts in whistles and applause. Looking over to my parents they are both in sadness with tears streaming down their cheeks, the same with Kassidy, wow. She never cries that easily.

Looking back at Micheal I am in full raw emotion.

"I love you."

"I love you to Evie..." He gently strokes my head.

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