chapter three : saving grace

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"This colour is amazing Evie." Kassidy speaks as she is finishing up my lipstick.

"Is it really, does it look good?" I ask.

"If your aiming for the innocent bride and not the slut yes definitely." She laughs as I do.

"Knock Knock." A man's voice is outside my bedroom door.

"Who is that!" I ask Kassidy as she has a grin across her face while shrugging her shoulders.

Standing up in my white robe with my hair and makeup finished I really hope this isn't Micheal, I want him to see my the first time at the end of the isle.

Reaching for the door handle I slowly open it ajar revealing my Mom and Dad stood in fancy wear. My Father is wearing a grey suit looking dapper, and my Mother is wearing a dark purple dress draped to the floor with a matching colour scarf around both her arms.

"Oh my god, Mom, Dad..." I wrap my arms around them both as I begin to cry with happiness.

"Hi sweetie." My Mom speaks.

"How's my girl?" My Father asks me while hugging me tightly.

"I thought you guys couldn't make it!" I release the hug and look at the two of them in disbelief that they are actually here.
On my wedding day.

"Well we made a few phone calls sorted out work and travel, also Kassidy helped us out a lot, how could we miss our first babies big day..." My Dad speaks with full heart.

"This means so much to me... Thank You." I turn towards my best friend as she is stood with a big smile across her face.

"A wedding is not right without your mom and dad, especially yours who else is going to be dancing on the table at the end of the night..." She laughs towards my mother.

"Hey that was one time at her cousins birthday..." She laughs as she points her finger towards Kassidy.

"Oh honey you don't remember the other ones do you?" My father speaks.

"Stop it Ed." She laughs and hits him in the stomach.

"Well I'm sorry to break up the family meeting but the bride still needs to her dressed..." Kassidy orders.

"Oh yes your right... Goodbye baby..." My mom exists the room.

"Wait Dad..." I plead before he exists the room with my mother.

"You have 5 minutes... I will be counting." Kassidy orders again as she joins my mother in the corridor.

Me and my father are now alone in the room.

"I've missed Kassidy." My Dad jokes.

"Oh yes, she is taking this maid of honour role very seriously." I laugh.

"You need that Evie, she's done a lot for you, sometimes you don't see the times she's saved you from yourself." He is more serious.

"I know." I look down to my feet as my hands are crossed below my stomach.

That's something I will always thank Kassidy for. She tells me where I'm going wrong in my life and what the right path is. She is not afraid to tell me off or tell me I'm doing okay.
My dads right she has saved me.

"I'm so proud of you Evelyn. Your Mother and me both are..." He exclaims.

"Thank You Dad." I smile warmly towards him.

"Now you need to get ready for your big day..." He walks slowly closer to me and holds me by both shoulders.

"I'm so nervous." I smile.

"Everyone is. It's normal. It's natural. It means your doing the right thing, you want it to work and it will. If you weren't then that would be something to worry about." We both laugh and agree with each other.

"Times up!" Kassidy shouts from outside the bedroom door.

"In Kassidys head that is 5 minutes." My Dad utters.

"Yep." I laugh as Kassidy walks back into the bedroom.

"We will see you at the end of the isle." My Father speaks while walking out with my Mother.

I give them both a warming smile as they both descend back down the stairs of the woodland lodge.

It's time.

Time to get married.

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