chapter six : young again

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Liam and I are dancing around endlessly, he spins me in circles while I try and hold back my laughter. We quickly snuck round the back of the celebration to a dimly lit part of the woodland where we wouldn't be disturbed.

"So how has your day been?" He asks me still dancing and holding onto me.

"Good. Even better now that you are here Liam."

"I'm glad." He smiles and looks down at the muddy ground like is all shy again, this reminds me of when we were young kids running around the streets of Brixton causing chaos. I miss the old days so much. When we were young, having no worries, no jobs, no bills to pay.

"Is Micheal okay?" He speaks.

"Yes, I don't really think he was that hero for today, however I was a whole different level this morning, Kassidy had to calm me down about 10 times and make me breath into a paper bag..." I laugh at my very truthful words towards him.

"It's always a good thing to be nervous, makes you and people around you realise that you want the thing your nervous about to go good and okay. You don't want things to screw up Evie..."

My brains begins to think about what he said. Is he trying to tell me something I don't know?

"Anyway I think we are just in time for the highlight of the night..." He slowly moves his soft spoken mouth towards my ear as he continues his sentence.

"Throwing the bouquet..." I smirk at his comment and roll my eyes before walking hand in hand with him back to celebrations.

"Right okay are you all ready?" I am now stood upon a podium within the centre of the dance floor with a ray of single women around me eager to get the flowers which are still placed in my hands.

I notice Kassidy try and barge herself to the front of everyone. I laugh to myself.

"Three two one..." As I finish my sentence the flowers release from my hands and fly over the top of my head into the pool of women. Turning back around I see Kassidy fight with my friends sister as she successfully grabs the prize from her.

"YESS..." She screams out in pride.

Suddenly I feel a slight touch on the bottom of my ankle looking down I see Liam holding his hand out to help my back down to the floor. Grabbing his hand he lifts me down gracefully from the height, smiling towards him I can feel Michaels stares pierce us both from a distance.

In an instant he is by my side substituting Liams hand to his hand in mine.

"Sorry bud, that's your job now. I can finally hand my duties over..." Liam laughs as he pats him playfully on the back.

However Michael does not take this way as he doesn't answer back and watches as he walks away to Kassidy.

"Hey it's okay." I intertwine my fingers through the back of his head.

He grabs on to my hands now placed at the back of his head and plants a kiss on my soft rosy red lips as I smile smitten.

On that night, me and Michael spend the night in the woodland lodge, just us two like it should be.

As we linked hand in hand we are walking up the muddy pathway up to the main door of the lodge.

"This is our home the night honey..." Michael utters under his breath steadily.

I squeal with excitement and grab onto his hand even tighter than I already am, any more and I will probably break his it.
We continue to the door as he opens it up for me and leads me slowly inside.

The glass staircase is the attraction that your brain directs you first which leads to the second floor, which is where the magic happens.

I can feel his stares upon my rosy soft cheeks as I take in the sights of the woodland lodge.

"Have I got something on my face?" I ask worried of embarrassment.

He chuckles and looks down with his hands in his pockets and slowly but surely answers me.

"No honey, not at all. Just you..." His words fill me with love and affection all in one, I feel like I'm melting.

Being courageous I act before I think and take his hand which was securely within his pocket and drag him up the artwork stairs.

Reaching the bedroom he flings me onto the bed first as he takes his outer blazer off and he throws it on the floor beside us before diving on top of me not letting me break free, not like I want to.

Our kiss is passionate and sexy lasting what feels like forever, after time he slowly comes up and starts to unzip my wedding dress from the back as I keep staring deep into his soul.

We all know what happens from here. There's no turning back. I love him and he loves me, this is exactly where me and Micheal are meant to be right now.

Michael's POV

The sunlight beams through the tree beaches outside of the window as I rise from my well rested night of sleep.

Evelyn is still sound asleep beside me...

She looks so beautiful in the morning, so peaceful and quiet. I like it. Standing up and clothing myself I head downstairs to find Kassidy clearing up all the gifts from our gifts and placing them in a suitcase on the floor beside her.

"Hey, your up early?" She questions me and she notices my presence enter the room.

"Yeah, got to sleep earlier than expected last night."

"I hope not too early..." She utters as she rises and gives me and little cheeky grin.

"I mean you know..." I smile back at her.

"You need any help with that..." I continue onto a different subject.

"Oh no, I've just finished, gonna get them back home all ready for you both... does she still not know about the surprise?" She whispers the last part of her sentence.

"No not at all, I can't believe I've been able to pull it off so last minute. When I got the phone-call it was available I just took it straight away." I rub my hands over my face.

"She's going to love it so much Michael." She smiles with full heart.

I express the fake emotion back.

"I better go, get everything sorted back there... and Micheal, your the best thing that's ever happened to Evie, I've never seen so happy and in love before... don't screw it up." She warns me as she walks towards the door.

"I won't. Kassidy. I promise." I place my hand on my heart and look deeply at her as she gives me a faint smile and walks down the path.

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