chapter seven : home sweet home

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As I slowly awaken from my deep sleep within the woodland lodge I look beside me to find my newly wed, however I met with empty sheets.

Panicking I quickly grab my clothes and head downstairs trying to find him, as I am halfway down the stairs a lingering bacon smell meets my nose.

"Michael? Are you in the kitchen?" I pray to myself quietly for an almost instant answer.

"Yeah honey, just making us breakfast." Thank god, I walk into the kitchen to inspect further.

Micheal is over the stove cooking us bacon, he is wearing a red dirty apron while holding a spatula in his right hand.

"How was your sleep?" He asks while he is still facing away from me.

I go towards the dining table and sit at the end of it cautiously, I could get used to this, someone else cooking for me, suits me.

"It was good. You gave me a little heart attack this morning, I thought you had ran away already..." I laugh and cringe at myself at the same time.

Michael walks over with two plates in both of his hands each one with a bacon sandwich placed perfectly cooked on top.

"No..." He places mine down in front of me carefully before carrying on.

"Not yet." He whispers softly into my ear while I begin to nudge him in the chest jokingly as he quickly lifts himself back up and sits opposite me.

"I have a surprise planned for you today, we will be leaving just after breakfast."

I almost choke on a piece of bread while I gather myself together again.

"A surprise!" I speak shocked.

"Yes honey a surprise, and don't ask Kassidy because she does know and if you push her too far she will tell you and ruin the whole fucking day..." He grins towards me.

"Okay I won't ask her, I guess I'll just wait..." I say while playing with my food like a child.

After a moment of silence my excitement can't handle it any longer.

"What is it!..." I basically shout.
"Is it a puppy... like in Marley and me... or is it a car because we do need a new one of them... it's car isn't it?" I am basically still acting like a child as a funfair once again as Micheal just sits and grins towards me.

I feel like I am not getting it out of him anytime soon, or Kassidy.

Me and Micheal are now in the car driving somewhere, I still have no idea what he has got up his sleeve.

Suddenly we are back in my hometown, we drive past the "Welcome to Brixton" sign. The sign where I spent most of my childhood nights with Liam, I'd remember it anywhere.

"Why are we back in town? I thought you said we had a surprise?" I ask Micheal who is in the driving seat.

"You will see." Is all he answers with.

After 5 minutes we are pulling up into a driveway of a cute suburban little green bungalow. I look over to him confused out of my mind.

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