chapter two : weddings bring out the best of me

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This is it.

The moment that me and Micheal have been waiting for our entire lives.

I am stood behind the broad doors of the church in a silk white gown, standing next to me my father, he looks proud but also upset at the same time.

Giving him a warm smile I hold his hand just a little bit tighter to give him reassurance that I am going to be okay.

My hair is tied tightly as a bun at the back of my head. I am so nervous but so excited at the same time.
But I know I am ready for this.

As I hear the music me and Micheal decided play in the background I know it's nearly time to start my, our forever.
Taking deep breaths I wait patiently for the doors to open.

As they do I am faced with smiling faces stood upon the feet, all directed towards me. As begin slowly walking down the isle my heart is pounding and I start to sweat.

I just tell myself it is just last minute nerves. That's all it is. I carry on smiling.

Getting closer and closer to the end of the isle I see a beaming Micheal stood smartly dressed in a black suit and tie running all the way down to his black leather belt.

I can't stop myself smiling happily towards him.

My father hands me over to his hand before making his way with my mother who is sat in the front row drowning in her tears.

Looking back I see my best friend Kassidy who is my maid of honour dressed in a lilac flowery dress showing of her figure. Smiling towards her she gives me a little wink and smirks as I look slowly back towards my future husband.

Micheal looks more relaxed now which is a good sign.

"Everyone please be seated." The priest to the side of us both speaks out to the whole of the church as everyone sits.

Suddenly I notice Micheal reaching for something in his pocket.

"What are you doing Honey, did you forget something?" I ask worried.

"Oh no..." He reassures me.

But as soon as grabs whatever was in his pocket and pulls it on in full view my face begins to drop and my body becomes fully numb.

"Micheal what is that?" I ask at a higher tone this time while releasing my hands from his.

Looking down I am faced with an already bloody knife in Michaels hand, my eyes begin to fill with tears as I tremble.

"Don't worry baby..." His voice his sinister.

Looking towards my family they seem to be oblivious to the fact of what is happening before their very eyes.

Quickly turning back towards him I can't get that far as he pierces me in the centre of my stomach causing me agonising pain, he pulls the dagger out in an instant as I clench my stomach to try and stop the bleeding.

Crying, I look back up, he has a grin spread across his face as he looks almost proud of himself.

Suddenly I am awoken in my bed where I fell asleep late last night after that last bottle of wine.

"Oh no not another fucking hangover..." I grab the side of my head while closing my eyes.

I remember the dream I was awoken from, I just blame it on last minute nerves, everyone gets them on their wedding day right. I mean not a nightmare about their husband killing them in front of the my entire family.

But everyone thinks differently I guess.
Trying to shrug it off.

Then I am alerted by my phone buzzing almost falling of the bedside table, I reach over grabbing it and examining my notifications.

I notice a message from Liam as the first one on my phone.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't be there in person today Evie duty calls, but I hope today is the fairytale you've always dreamed off.
L x."

I smile to myself as I read the kindhearted message from my childhood friend.
Placing my phone back down I crawl back into my king sized bed alone.

Micheal has rented out a hotel room across the other side of town, whereas he surprised me with a two night stay in a woodland lodge, fitting the woodland wedding theme, it's like I'm living in a dream right now.

"Evelynnn..." I am alerted by Kassidy running up the stairs and barging into my bedroom.

"You ready to get started?" She is beaming with joy you can tell she is excited.

"Yes I am, definitely." I reply back happily.

"Yay..." She claps her hands in front of her as she sets out all of the makeup and hair products upon the dressing table across from the bed.

Laughing to myself I sigh as she noticed and directs her attention towards me.

"What?" She asks confused.

"Nothing Kass, what would I do without you?" I sigh.

"Well you would look ugly on your wedding day without me and my magic?" She speaks in a serious tone.

I laugh as I rise and sit at the dressing table and tuck myself in.

"Okay what would you like to be done first?" Her hands are on my shoulder as she looks as me in the mirror.

"I think we should do my hair first?" I reply.

"Good choice, excellent choice, let's see what we can do with this bed hair..." She begins to brush throughly through my hair.

A little while later the sun is begging to set outside, looking at myself in the mirror the sunlight is gleaming a streak across my face as I examine myself within the mirror.

"Oh my god Kassidy, this is amazing..." I feel the back of my head while looking at the long tight curls all around my head.

Kassidy looks proud of herself.

"I guess weddings bring out the best in me..." She smiles towards me.

Turning around to face her my face looks somber.

"Thank you for doing all of this Kass, I mean it. I wouldn't know what I have done if it wasn't for you, I'm really lucky to have you as a good friend."

"Best friend." She smiles.

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