chapter five : i love you

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After the ceremony the aisle was magically replaced with a full dance floor in the middle of the woods.
Now tables are at the side facing the middle of the floor, drinks are flowing and we all are in pure joy and happiness.

I am tipsy, I am not going to lie, but at least I am having fun, however I have told the waiter to cut me off if I do end up embarrassing myself especially with my parents here, also I don't want to Micheal to divorce me on our first day.

Micheal is sat by my side rubbing my thigh while drinking Prosecco from one of them fancy glasses. He is joking and mingling with all of the guests while I am enjoying the view from my seat of the towering pine trees which are all around me.

"Hey wife. Come on. I think it's time for a dance..." He reaches out his hand waiting for mine to join his as we stand and make our way over to the dance floor.

Kassidy is already dancing with my father to "Everlasting Love" as we join then mid chorus.

Micheal holds me elegantly by the back of my waist and pulls me in gently making me feel safe and protected forever.

Our bodies sway in a pattern we both enjoy, throughout the entirety my head is rested on his shoulder while my eyes are closed.

"I love you Evie." He softly whispers in right ear disturbing me from my peace.

Looking up slowly I start to smile then kiss him in the centre of his lips. I think that's my answer. And he knows it.

"All we have is forever now baby." He utters into my ear once again slowly causing me to experience a flutter in the centre of my stomach.

"And I cannot wait..."

"Good." His answer is plain and simple as I softly smile and look back down as we continue dancing with each other.

Everyone is having fun, drinking and mingling, it's the picture perfect day I have always dreamed of since I was a little girl. I know it sounds silly but this is my dream right here, to be marred, be someone's wife, to know that I am loved and cared for, have a little family in Brixton. That's all I want and that is what I'm going to get with Micheal.

"You didn't think I was going to miss the most important day of you life did you Evie?" A familiar man's voice appears in the background amongst the crowds. I know I've heard this one before, so I steadily start to turn my head and to my surprise I am stood in front of my childhood best friend Liam.

"Oh my—" I can't even begin to get my words out I am in absolute utter shock.
He made it. I love him so much. Lifting my hands up to face in disbelief my eyes begin to tear up.

"How could I do that?" He pulls out both of his hands from his pockets, he is wearing a back tuxedo with a bow tie. He looks so handsome.

"Come here..." I basically run into his arms as he embraces me within them. We stay there for about a minute until we are all hugged.

"How— how are you here? I thought you got caught up with work?" I question him.

"Well I wanted to surprise you Evelyn! I want you happy... and you are." He looks towards Micheal smiling towards him.

Stepping over towards Micheal he reaches out for his hand as they handshake. Micheal looks passive aggressive so I hold his other hand and grip it softly smiling towards him.

"Congratulations man... you got a good one." Liam looks sincere and honest.

"Thanks. I know I got lucky..." Micheal smiles down towards me and pecks me upon the top of my forehead, I've never felt so loved that I do in this moment in time.

"A little birdie told me Mr Knowles decided to turn up?" Kassidy strolls over with a glass of white wine in her left hand.

"Wait— did you know about this Kass?" I ask.

As she takes a sip of her wine she begins to answer my question.

"Of course I fucking did..." She laughs to herself, she definitely has had more than that one glass of white wine. At least she's having fun I guess.

"And you didn't tell me?" I put one my hand on my hip as the other is still occupied my Michaels.

"What! And ruin the surprise, to be a good best friend means lying to you sometimes, of course good lies not bad lies..." She laughs once again.

I notice Michael coughing and shuffling in his shoes at that comment but I shake it off immediately.

"I'll let you two have a dance and I'll talk and catch up with you after Evelyn?" Liams speaks towards us.

"Thanks man..." Michaels speaks bluntly as he leads my away from Kassidy and Liam leaving them to talk.

"I can't believe he's here Micheal, did you know?"

"No Evie. I didn't." Is his answer.

Burrowing my eyebrows I begin to think something is off with him so I ask further to just make sure he is okay.

"Hey. You okay?"

"Yes I'm fine just I wish they both told me so you know I could be prepared and not to be interrupted in the middle of my first dance with my wife!" He blurts out.

Rubbing his shoulder I answer.

"It's okay. We still have all night left to dance away. So— let's dance." I smile as he slowly does the same.

"How did I get so lucky to get you Mrs Davis?" His devilish smile burns right through my soul.

"I like the sound of that, Mrs Davis. I love it." Kissing his lips I lead him onto the dance floor as we continue our dance before Liam arrived.

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