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A Teen Wolf Story

Book 1: Season One & Two

Stiles Stilinski x Male OC


everything i've ever known burned down in flames....

....what's left to do with these ashes on the floor

The true anguish of grief goes beyond just the loss of a loved one. It resides in the gradual dissolution of one's self, and the realization that nothing would ever restore the person you once thought you were.


In the aftermath of the devastating fire that shattered his life six years ago, James "Jay" Hale makes a return to the very place he swore never to come back to—Beacon Hills. The town had long graced his worst nightmares, and he was very adamant on the idea of never returning. But with the strong arm of his older brother Derek forcing him by the scruff of his neck all the way across the town border, he begrudgingly 'agreed'. If not for himself, then for his missing older sister.

However, Laura wasn't just missing. She was dead. Brutally murdered and left in pieces for them to find.

Driven by an all-consuming need for justice, they swear to avenge her death by uncovering and killing the new Alpha Asshole. While Derek chooses to work from the shadows in his typical emo Batman-esque ways, Jay takes the sane approach and forces himself back into his old life by entering high school to keep an eye on newly turned Scott McCall in hopes the beta would lead them back to the Alpha.

However, he quickly realizes on the very first day of his attendance that he'd underestimated his baby-sitting job description and signed up with little to no qualifications in handling a temperamental lovesick fool beta who seemed to have a penchant for somehow achieving fresh new targets on his back every other day. Yet, even through all of the mental breakdowns and thoughts of committing actual murder, Jay reluctantly finds himself growing attached to the boy.

And maybe his best friend, Stiles, too—although Jay would vehemently deny any such claim if it were to be said out loud.

Along the way, and with the best friend pair's unwanted need to stick themselves to his side like a real-life barnacle, Jay quickly finds himself longing for the life he could've had before the tragedy.

Good Grief ✧ Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now