Chapter Eleven: Is This What Having Kids is Like?

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CHAPTER ELEVEN: Is This What Having Kids is Like?

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CHAPTER ELEVEN: Is This What Having Kids is Like?


The following day after the mountain lion incident was thankfully a much more tame experience. Jay managed to arrive to class early for once, slipping inside the room with a sigh of relief at the prospect of not getting scolded by the teacher. There were only so many times he could get threatened with a 'phone call' home before Derek started to get on his ass about it too. For a guy who never actually graduated high school, he sure was always hounding Jay about it for some reason.

Perhaps to rectify his own teenage regrets through his younger brother. But Jay didn't ask for it, didn't want it, yet here he was suffering through it.

But every good thing often came hand in hand with something bad, and the biggest downside to showing up on time was that Stiles, who was seated pointedly next to two empty desks, was still very much choosing to ignore him. At least, that was what Jay could assume on first glance, seeing as the boy wouldn't even spare him a single look until he was standing right in front of him.

Although, little did Stiles know, Jay could hear his heart rate spiking and it was evident from that alone that he was evidently aware of his presence.

He thought that maybe Stiles cool down after a good night's rest but, clearly, he was wrong. Although, Stiles at least didn't seem angry, sitting there tapping his fingers on the desk in front of him and watching Jay take a seat with little to no reaction. He also didn't smell particularly angry either. Just mildly annoyed.

Either way, Jay took it as a sign that the end of times wasn't near and the progress they'd made the day prior was still somewhat redeemable.

And, if anything, he was also mildly annoyed by everything that happened yesterday. There Jay was, spilling all of his deepest darkest secrets to Stiles whilst laying on the boy's bed of all places—only a couple of days after getting attacked by an Alpha Asshole and finding out it was the Argents that burnt his house to the ground, mind you. Then, in the next moment, he's being forced to walk home while being stranded on the side of the road, sudden therapy session completely forgotten in favour of playing the blame game. The more Jay thought about it afterwards, the more he felt like he was the one being wronged.

Now, considerably moodier than before, Jay took a seat at the empty desk and took out his notebooks and other class things, all while feeling the heavy weight of Stiles' gaze watching his every movement closely. Apparently, Jay's own anger was enough for Stiles to crack apart like broken clay.

"Dude, can I borrow a pencil?" He whispered suddenly, attempting a smile at Jay to show that everything was fine.

But instead of the normal response of maybe a 'Yes. Here you go, Stiles' or a 'No, I only have one.' Stiles got a very hard look back in return, one that would in any other situation would send a chill down his spine if they weren't sitting peacefully in a room full of other students who would report Jay for any murdering that took place.

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