Chapter Eighteen: Chew Me Up and Spit Me Out

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Chapter Eighteen: Chew Me Up and Spit Me Out

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Chapter Eighteen: Chew Me Up and Spit Me Out



"You're going to kill us!"

Jay pressed the gas pedal flat to the ground, making the two boys forced to suffer through his reckless driving scramble for anything in reach they could possibly hold on to in an attempt not to break there necks. It had been a mistake letting the blond take the wheel, that much had been made apparent the moment he'd started the Camaro with a satisfied grin that neither of the two idiots thought to question.

Little did Scott and Stiles know, Jay was under no circumstances allowed to drive his older brother's Camaro. In fact, he was under no circumstances allowed to even sit in the driver's seat of any vehicle; a stipulation enforced vehemently by Laura and Derek who'd each had their very first almost heart attack when a 12-year-old Jay attempted to weave through oncoming traffic during a particularly heavy-handed hunter attack that left them both too injured to even think let alone drive themselves.

Well, Jay was now fifteen and still just as reckless, but this time it was Scott and Stiles having the dual heart attacks.

The reason the three of them were currently in the predicament of drifting across the streets of Beacon Hills was because they were being chased down by Allison's bitch of an aunt, who thought it was Derek she was chasing and not a couple of teenagers. Derek, who had shown back up with a renewed determination to track and take the Alpha down. He'd even recruited Scott into his cause this time, preventing the boy from ripping out Allison and Jackson's throated when he'd escaped the handcuffs Stiles locked him in during the full moon.

The older Hale also had a change of heart regarding Jay's involvement—or lack thereof. Instead of keeping him in the shadows like some sheltered child, he'd let Jay out to play now in his plan to bait the Argents.

To bait Kate.

Derek and Jay may not belong to a pack anymore with Laura gone, but wolves always work best together. To be on the same side, united after growing so distant, was something they needed to come to terms with in order to get what they wanted; the Alpha's head on a goddamn pike.

"Slow down! Can you even see right now? Who the hell wears sunglasses at night!" Scott shouted from the backseat, his stomach practically lodged into his throat and his eyes shut tightly in hopes that if they did hit a wall and turn into Flat Stanley, then at least he wouldn't have to see the impending doom before it happened.

Jay cocked an eyebrow at him through the rearview mirror, tilting his head down to look over the top of his shades. He ignored Stiles' shouting of: "Keep your goddamn stupid blue eyes on the freaking road!", and pushed down on the acceleration harder.

He knew what he was doing. Sure, he'd been banned from driving, but that didn't mean he actually listened. Sneaking out was exceptionally fun as a werewolf. It was like playing some elaborate game. Either he got to win with a huge rush of adrenaline and pride having successfully snuck around behind two crazy control freak wolves back's, or Derek and Laura would catch on and hunt him down but pretend as if it wasn't secretly entertaining to do so. Their lives were quite boring after the fire, Jay liked to think he added a little pazzazz even if they were all on the brink of committing any second.

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