Chapter Twenty-Seven: Everything Left Unsaid

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Everything Left Unsaid


"She ate the liver?"

Distraught and exhausted, Scott and Stiles were headed for the school's main entrance, bumping Jay between their shoulder like a pinball with how close their heads were all ducked together to talk about the possibility of Lydia Martin becoming an equally hot, but more feminine, version of Hannibal Lecter.

Stiles shot Scott a deadpan, which only made him look more deranged than he did before. He spent the entire night listening to the police radio, eavesdropping on the search for Lydia from the comfort of his own bedroom. His eyes were bloodshot and wide, his fingers shook from how energized he was on Adderall, and he was about to kill both Scott and Jay if they tried to sidetrack him again. "I didn't say she ate it. I just said it was missing."

"I can't believe she ate it raw," Jay's face twisted in disgust, effectively interrupting and ignoring Stiles. It was a two-for-one combo. Stiles detested him. "The liver is really elastic. I feel like she would have enjoyed it more if it was cooked or something."

All at once, Stiles and Scott stopped walking to give Jay identical weirded-out expressions. Just when they thought there was nothing Jay could possibly do to shock them more than he already has, the boy still manages to pull something out.

Scott blew out a long exhale, his words slow as he leaned into Jay's side to ask in a highly concerned whisper, "Have you eaten a human liver before? Is this a normal werewolf thing? I really don't want to do that. Please tell me I don't have to do that."

"No, I haven't. All I'm saying is that Lydia is a woman of culture, and her eating a liver raw is very—"

"Okay, but so what if she did? It's the most nutritious part of the body," Stiles argued, shutting Jay down before he could sidetrack Scott to the point of no return. They were getting close now, and he could see Scott slowly drifting away in his fears of becoming a cannibal. "Besides, Scott and Lydia were bitten, you were born. Maybe it's different.

"I never ate anyone's liver," Scott pouted.

"Yeah, right, 'cause when it comes to werewolves, you're a real model of self-control," Stiles rolled his eyes. But then he stopped, turning to him. "Actually, wait. Hold on. You're the test case for this, so we should be going over what happened to you."

Scott side-eyed the boy, still a little sullen over the idea of eating a liver. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, like, what was going through your mind when you were turning, you know? What were you drawn to?"

Jay shot Scott an unimpressed look. "I swear to God if you say Alli—"

"Allison," he mumbled sheepishly while Jay and Stiles pretended to be shocked. If they thought dealing with Scott's constant back and forth with Allison before when he was trying to hide his werewolf identity was frustrating, it was nothing compared to the Romeo and Juliet thing the couple had going on now.

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