Chapter Five: The Plights of a Temporary Werewolf Babysitter

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Chapter Five: The Plights of a Temporary Werewolf Babysitter

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Chapter Five: The Plights of a Temporary Werewolf Babysitter


It took exactly thirteen minutes for Jay to have the misfortune of hearing from Stiles again. After waiting in the Sheriff's office, getting questioned by a very apologetic Sheriff, and then being let go shortly after, the last thing he expected was to get a call from one-half of the best friend pair who got him into the whole predicament in the first place.

Did Stiles have no shame? Apparently.

"I wouldn't be calling if it wasn't important!" Stiles yelled as soon as he accepted the call, not leaving any room for complaint because, knowing Jay in the little capacity he did, he knew he'd get his ear talked off for what he just did. But there were honestly bigger fish to fry, way bigger than getting Derek Hale arrested."Scott went all werewolf on my ass and ran away!"

Jay took a deep breath, willing himself to calm down and not absolutely lose it on the boy. But alas, he couldn't. 

"Are you a fucking idiot?!" He practically shouted, taking a page out of Derek's regular insult book and completely losing his fight to stay calm and rational. 

Maybe it was a Hale trait, he really couldn't be blamed for his short fuse. His anger and frustration just seemed to constantly be bubbling, shaken up like a can of soda and left to expand until some idiot decided to bust the seal open. That idiot being Stiles, who had no qualms whatsoever about making Jay's life harder than it already was with a dead family and killer alpha on the loose.

Jay made his anger apparent, gritting out, "You get the only family I have left arrested for no damn reason, and now you're trying to call me asking for help? Fat fucking chance, Stilinski!"

"No! Not the last name basis now! It was Scott's idea anyway why am I the one getting all theOkay, whatever! We don't have time for this, Jay, listen, I know you're angry but"

"But what? There is no but. I already promised I'd help, something that I actually was planning to do, by the way. The thing is though, you didn't even give me the chance to try." He let out a breath then, his hand coming up to rub at his temple. "You have no goddam idea what the hell is going on, Stiles. None. You guys are just making everything harder."

There was a pause on the line, brief but heavy.

"I'm sorry..."

The younger Hale just shook his head. "Whatever. Knowing how incredibly irritating you two are, Scott's probably gonna show up at the lacrosse game anyway. Go to the school and I'll meet you there." He hung up the phone before Stiles could say anything else that would further shred away at his thinning patience.

Stiles was just lucky that he left all of his lacrosse gear in his locker rather than stuffed somewhere in the now-raided house.


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