ACT 2: What is Emotion?

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Season 2 - Act 2: What is Emotion?

"Little puppet made of pine, wake. The gift of life is thine. Prove yourself brave, truthful, and unselfish, and someday you will be a real boy. When you are a real boy, you will be able to help others."



Brief Season Synopsis

With the age-old question looming over him—will he stay or will he go?—James "Jay" Hale has made his decision: he's giving Beacon Hills another shot. The town had long haunted his worst nightmares, but now, with his older sister's death avenged and past dark secrets exposed, Jay can finally begin the process of grief that involves healing. It also helps that the people he once despised turned out not to be so bad after all. He might even go as far as calling them friends.

With a new pep in his step, Jay feels like a real boy at last, no longer a puppet made from burnt wood, manipulated by the heavy hands of the past and the unyielding strings of grief and anger. Sure, his older brother Derek was heading on a fast decline to tyranny after turning several outcasted teenagers into werewolf soldiers, but Derek's always had one foot in the loony bin, and Jay couldn't be blamed for his actions.

But when two of those werewolf soldiers hit a little too close to home, Jay discovers that the downside of being a real boy means experiencing real emotions. With the strong arm of Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski—as well as his never-ending newfound terrible emotions—Jay is forced by the scruff of his neck into the center of trouble. And if he thought his family drama was complicated to navigate, throw in the drama of teenage friendships and new relationships alongside that, and things get much, much worse. Throw in a love triangle Jay didn't even know he was a part of, and things start to veer into ridiculousness. And if that still weren't enough of a plot, a giant lizard with a familiar face begins to terrorize the town alongside a new geriatric Asshole of an Argent hell-bent on making their lives harder than necessary.

Jay is, decidedly, going through it.

But amidst all the chaos of relationships, lizards, and geriatrics, the true enemy in Jay's life has always been his own turbulent emotions—a familiar struggle that only grows tenfold. Then again, when hasn't that been the heart of the matter and the shattering point of his entire existence?

What will happen when he finally figures out how exactly to be a real boy with long-kept emotions finally put out into the open? Nothing good, obviously.

Or maybe he shouldn't pass judgment too quickly, especially if a certain Stilinski boy has anything to do with it.

And boy does Stiles Stilinski have everything to do with it.


Hayden Christensen as...

James "Jay" Hale

James "Jay" Hale

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Dylan O'Brien as...

Stiles Stilinski

 Stiles Stilinski

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Season Two Aesthetic

Jay & Stiles

Jay & Stiles

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