Chapter Ten: Don't Be A Bad Memory

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CHAPTER TEN: Don't Be A Bad Memory

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CHAPTER TEN: Don't Be A Bad Memory


Jay took in the truly pathetic sight of Lydia Martin and tried not to feel as guilty as he currently was. The self-proclaimed Queen Bee of Beacon Hills was nothing but a shell of herself. Well, as much of a shell as a beautiful girl lying sideway in her queen-sized bed in her perfect princess-pink room of her gigantic literal maze of a mansion house could be. But while everything around her seemed amazing, the strawberry blonde herself was the opposite. Her usually kept hair was a disarray, her face was dry and pale with no skincare or makeup to hide any flaws, and she had a very far away glazed look fixed on the ceiling.

"Sweetheart, there's a Stiles and James here to see you."

"What the hell is a Stiles?"

Lydia's mother turned to both of them with an embarrassed smile. "She's had a little something to ease her nerves." She explained to them as if it wasn't already obvious that the girl was completely off her rocker. "Go right in."

Jay let Stiles take the lead as they slipped inside the room, knowing that he was eager to go all detective mode on the girl. Although, he regretted the decision once he saw Stiles in action trying to creep his way over and looking faint as he did so.

Stiles approached Lydia's bed with all of the cautions of a teenage boy who never touched a girl before, let alone really talked to one or been in their bedroom.

"What are you doing here?" Lydia asked plainly, the question directed more at Stiles than Jay as she watched the boy awkwardly fumble over as if watching a baby deer take its first steps.

She didn't look amused or upset, just curious.

"Just wanted to make sure you're okay," Stiles admitted softly, looking just about ready to faint as his whiskey-brown eyes quickly flitted across the room and took in every single detail he possibly could for later. He turned back to glance at Jay with a blush when he realized the boy was watching him with an unamused stare the entire time.

Caught in the obsessive teenage boy act, Stiles suddenly regretted not running Jay over when he had the chance.

"Why?" Lydia drawled, bringing his focus back to her. She stopped twirling her matted hair to pat down on the bed for him to join her. Hesitantly, and looking on the verge of having a heart attack, Stiles took a seat directly beside her.

"Because I was kind of worried about you. You feeling all right?"

Jay watched with a raised brow as Lydia leaned forward into Stiles' space and, like a chain reaction, Stiles' heart rate seemed to skyrocket. He kept his eyes trained on Lydias, but Stiles on the other hand seemed to accidentally get an eyeful of her boobs from how low she was bending and his eyes snapped back up looking absolutely alarmed. To really seal the whole situation in though, Lydia's hand found Stiles' shoulder. It was as of her flirting radar was going off and she had a magnetic pull to the poor victim.

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