Chapter Thirty-Two: The One with the Bed

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The One with the Bed


"Don't be such a baby. It's really not that bad."

"Not that bad?! My guts are falling out of my body, and you're telling me it's not that bad?!"

Jay rolled his eyes, adjusting his grip as he lugged Scott around like a sack of potatoes, hip-checking the front door of the animal clinic so they could both stumble inside. The blinds on the door rattled loudly as Scott cursed under his breath, reaching over to flip the lock again. The gash across his torso was bleeding steadily, making everything a messy ordeal, but it really wasn't as bad as he was currently acting.

It took until Derek and the three wannabe betas were out of earshot for Scott to start whining sadly and swooning against his shoulder like he was some fair maiden and Jay was his knight in shining armour. It also took a little convincing to get Scott to actually help in the walking department rather than insisting that he be carried bridal style across town.

All Jay had to do was threaten to send a video of the ordeal to Allison, and Scott eventually relented.

"Your guts are not falling out, but if they were, I honestly wouldn't be all that opposed," Jay grunted, practically throwing himself and Scott through the little gate separating the front reception from the back.

If he was paying attention, he would have noticed the lights already flicked on and the steady heartbeat in the back, but he couldn't focus on anything other than trying to shove Scott through the gate which was only really meant for one person. Scott was trying hard not to get blood everywhere, but it wasn't helping that the gash wasn't showing any signs of closing. He held onto his torso with one hand slick with blood, whining, "Why isn't it healing, then?"

"Because it's from an Alpha."

A scream passed through Scott's lips, high-pitched and oddly reminiscent of Lydia's, right into Jay's ear. He let go of his torso to clutch onto the blonde, leaving bloody handprints on the arms of Jay's hoodie.

Jay screamed too, more shocked by Scott's scream than anything since his back was turned to the room and he didn't witness Scott's boss materializing out from the shadows.

Whipping around, he caught sight of Scott's boss patiently watching them with his dark eyebrows raised, and past him, a random body lying on the examination table, dead and covered in slices.

It was not a sight you want to see after everything, and in an instant reaction, Jay's fight or flight set in and he held an arm out in front of the boy clinging to his side. His fangs dropped and his eyes shifted to amber, flickering every so often back to their normal human blue like a candle as his abilities strained from the aftereffects of absorbing Scott's pain for the last thirty minutes.

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