Chapter Twelve: How Much Tragedy Can A Teenage Boy Take?

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CHAPTER TWELVE: How Much Tragedy Can A Teenage Boy Take?

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CHAPTER TWELVE: How Much Tragedy Can A Teenage Boy Take?


After a day of surprising success in helping Scott rein in his impulses, Jay was riding the wave of accomplishment. So much so that when Stiles approached him later with another terrible idea involving multiple jocks jumping Scott to test his self-control, Jay not only agreed but found himself genuinely excited to witness the chaos.

He watched from the sidelines with his arms crossed over his chest as Stiles strategically positioned Scott on the edge of the parking lot curb, moving him like a real-life Ken doll to wherever he thought was better. "Do you have your keys?" Stiles asked once he was satisfied with the positioning, and Scott took out his house keys, dangling them down with a confused look. "Perfect. Hold them up. Okay, now whatever happens, just think about Allison. Try to find her voice like you did at the game. Got it? Okay, just keep holding it."

Stiles turned to Jay then, doing the same thing he did with Scott and grabbing him by the arms to place him exactly where he wanted him. But Jay just stood still, unmoving to the pushing and shoving until finally, Stiles had enough.

"Come on!" He whined, shoving hard at Jay's chest as if trying to move a boulder. He put his whole weight into the push, and yet Jay stood as firm as a statue with his arms crossed, completely unimpressed.

Stiles sighed, running his hand over his buzzed hair as he took a step back and looked up into the sky for some heavenly help to keep his irritation at bay. "Do you want to see him get beat up, or not?" He asked, shooting his a wide-eyed stare until finally Jay sighed and nodded.

"Yes. Yes, I do." He relented, holding his arms out from his sides and letting Stiles once again grab at him. With one too-warm hand on Jay's shoulder and the other on his forearm, Stiles steered him closer towards Scott who was staring at them both with wide eyes.

"Wait, what do you mean 'get beat up'?"

They simply ignored him.

"Just in case," Stiles instructed the blonde before letting go of him and turning to a random senior's truck nearby and retrieving his own keys from his pocket. In a matter of seconds, long enough for Scott to gasp in disbelief and for Jay's eyes to widen in surprise, Stiles dragged his key across the side of the truck, digging a hideous jagged scratch on the paint that had both werewolves cringing back from the sound.

As Scott watched in horror and Jay in impressed amusement, Stiles pocketed his keys and turned to them with his hands cupped around his mouth. "Dude! What do you think you're doing to that truck!" He shouted loud enough to capture the attention of a group of students nearby who turned to look at all of the commotion, only to find Scott holding his car keys up and the glaring scratch right in front of him.

It looked as though he was caught at the scene of the crime, exactly how Stiles wanted it to look.

A burly senior stepped forward from the group, stomping his way toward them. "What the hell?" He shouted, looking at what must have been his truck before turning to Scott.

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