Chapter Twenty-Nine: Off-Limits

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When Jay walked out of the school with his phone in hand sending off a stream of cuss words to Derek—something that was becoming a very regular occurrence—he was surprised to see a familiar Camaro already parked outside waiting for him. The man of the hour was staring out through the open window with black sunglasses covering what had to be an irritated expression.

Derek didn't want to see Jay. He was actually hoping to avoid him.

Yet, here he was, bounding toward him.

"Hey, those are mine!" Jay yelled, jumping down the row of concrete steps and running toward the car. He didn't bother waiting for Derek to do anything, and he didn't get inside of the car either. Instead, he leaned through the open window and plucked the pair of shades right off Derek's face.

"Was that really necessary?" Derek scowled darkly. He looked like an idiot now that the shades were gone and he was just sitting there staring at the school in silence. Anyone who walked by would be slightly alarmed, considering the Camaro was also one of the handful of vehicles still left in the parking lot as the school day came to an end.

"Yes." Jay put the sunglasses on, leaning down to glare at his older brother at eye level. His arms rested on the ledge of the window, and he practically stuck his head inside, which only made Derek bristle with more annoyance. Undeterred, the blonde wasted no time asking point blank, "What the hell are you doing?"

"Waiting for Scott." Derek didn't stutter, face blank and bemused. However, Jay could see that his knee was bouncing ever so slightly and the action ruined the annoyed nonchalance he was going for.

"Don't piss me off; you know what's not what I meant." Jay's hand crept over to the side mirror, gripping it tightly in a threat to snap the thing off if he didn't get an answer. Derek looked somewhat concerned—of course, his beloved car being in the dangerous hands of Jay was more worrying than the teenage werewolf currently being detained on the full moon. They both knew Jay would do it, and Derek waited for the question he could see brewing in his younger brother's mind. "You bit Isaac. Tell me, was it because you wanted to be his 'saviour', or because you actually wanted to help him?"

"I'm going to help him," Derek said firmly, looking past him to where Scott had just emerged from the school. He'd insisted on needing to go to the washroom after they left the principal's office and only now returned, joining Jay who was glaring into a car that looked vaguely familiar. "Get in," Derek barked as soon as he walked into sight, and Scott narrowed his eyes.

He didn't particularly like being called over as if he were a dog, and the small pat Derek did to the passenger seat wasn't helping with the matter.

"Are you serious? You did that. That's your fault." Scott pointed toward the police cruiser only now leaving the school after the Sheriff must have gotten enough teacher and student interviews about the matter. Isaac stared forlornly out the back seat, and the mirror in Jay's hand creaked ever so slightly until Derek slapped his hand away before it could shatter or snap off. There were smudged fingerprints all over the reflection now, and while it angered Derek beyond belief, he let it go.

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