Chapter 18: Of the Running Away

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Year 4 of the First Age



Eve's stomach churned as she wandered past homes and forges and empty food stalls in the dead of night. Torch light splashed on the faces of dozens of elves both men and women. It reminded her all too much of the night her brothers had sworn their oath.

Some of the faces she looked into glared at her, or watched down their noses in contempt. Her impending arrival at her brothers's camp must've been common knowledge among their followers. Many had come out to see her, golden ribbons tied through her intricately braided red hair, and wearing a dress both blue and scarlet. She felt rather than saw Hyamindo behind her. He bore his sword on his belt and carried a silver birch spear one of Finno's smiths had fashioned for him. 

He had never ceased wearing the colors of Fëanáro's house. But the guards refused to even glance at him. Eve's heart continued to sink until she noticed some of the women scattered about did not look angry. Instead, they had small smiles and gave her subtle bows.

So not all hated her. This was good. She tried to nod and smile back. All around them, the followers of the Fëanorians busied themselves. She could hear metal slamming against metal and the hissing of steam to her left; the forges never slept. Doubtless she would find Curvo there. To her right, she heard the repeated whistle and thunk of arrows against targets. All training for war. Tyelko would be there, perhaps.

Though Káno had invited her to the camp, which sprawled for much further than Eve recalled from the first rising sun, she had not come to see him. 

It wasn't that she did not wish to see him. Following the scent of roasting boar, she hoped to say hello to him before dining. But she had come to see the others. 

Eve hadn't said goodbye to them. She had left without a word to any save Káno, who had followed her to the other camp. And with Finno gone for only the Valar knew how much longer, she had realized she regretted it. Pityo had died, alone. Nelyo had been stolen, alone. She would not allow any others to leave her behind like that.

Up above them, the Enemy's noxious clouds obscured the majority of the stars. Eve frowned. She turned back to the camp around her. She recognized this part. This has been present when she's been here years ago. The massive tent used for meetings lay not far ahead. 

It came into view after she walked through a large opening in one of the walls constructed of massive tree trucks. Firelight and the scent of good food spilled out from under the closed flaps. Eve paused. Giggling and tiny joyful screams sounded from inside. 

Light blinded her as the flaps opened up. She heard a dog bark and as her eyes adjusted, Eve couldn't help but grin as Huan bounded towards her, tongue and tail wagging.

"No, Huan! Huan, come back!" 

Eve barely had time to brace before the massive golden hound licked her face all over. Squealing back laughter, Eve pushed him away. Only then, when Huan sat down to give her space, did she realize who had been calling the dog back inside.

The little boy had raven black hair and pale white skin. Dressed in a neat red tunic and pants, adorned with a bronze clasp in the shape of a Fëanorian star, he stood barely halfway up the horse-sized hound's leg.

"Who are you?" he said.

Light flooded the yard again. When the flaps hid it, Eve finally looked away from the little boy. She saw the same black hair and snow white skin as her gaze fell on Nixiel. Tears clouded her vision for a moment.

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