The ride!!!!!!!!!

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A Truck pulled up to were i was sitting on the ground a few feet from a bench. "If you dont mind me asking why are you on the ground?" Asked a male voice that sounded simialar to Gregs.

"Well i dont care to tell you but you see Greg told me to stay here because he got me a ride to my house even though i dont know where i live." I said.

"Well i guess your the one Greg wanted me to pick up?" The male asked. I jumped up grabbed my bag and turned around to see NIALL FREAKING HORAN looking at me with pleading eyes not to scream. Of course today is the day i wear one of my MANY 1D outfits. My one direction Jeans that has their names written all over it and Harrys on the butt. My 'What makes you beautiful' t-shirt. My earings, braclets, the neclace, and lip ring.

"Yeah i guess i am." I said trying to act calm about this. He unlocked the door for me and i got in.  He looked confused at first then he had an idea. Wow it is very easy to read his emotions. "What?" i asked him.

"Give me your phone." He said. I looked down embarresed.

"I dont have one." I said to him still looking down. He started the car and started driving. When i looked up he looked shocked but his eyes were on the road. After awhile we stopped at a HUGE house. "Where are we?" i asked afraid of the answer.

"Here." He said as he pointed to the 'castle'. He got out and i unbuckled. He opened my door and i thanked him. We walked up to the front door and he nocked. A few seconds later the door opened to a shirtless Louis. I looked down at my feet and as my eyes traveled i noticed he was wearing swiming trunks. "This dont actully know her name but Greg had me pick her up?" He questioned as he looked at me.

"Oh Soffie sorry i thought i told you opps." I said to Niall.

"Well nice to meet you Soffie im Louis. Do you wanna come in?" He asked. I thought about that. I should tell my parents where i am.

"Sure um...can i use a phone?" I asked him as we walked in.

"Yeah over there. Niall want to get somthing from the kitchen with me?" He asked. I know why he wanted to get him in there. To talk about me. It hurt to think that. I dialed the number and it started to ring.

"Hello?" asked my mom.

"Hey mom im at a freinds house." Then Niall handed me a note. 'Ask if you can stay the night elenor is here.' It said.

"Ok sweety what time will you be home?" She asked.

"Oh about that can i stay the night?" I asked her. "She has some clothes i can borrow?"

"Ok have fun I love you." She said.

"Thanks mom I love you too." I said then i hung up. I nodded to Niall and he started to jump up and down. Weird kid, but wait Louis is the weirdest. 'Im screwed' I thought to my self. "Where is elenor?" i asked him. He pointed up so i guess that ment up stairs.

"You can go talk to her if you want." He said. I looked around for stairs but i didnt see any. "Over there." He said pointing to an elevater. My jaw dropped I ran over and hit the button. The doors opened and i got inside.

"What floor is she on?" I asked as i looked over the 5 floor buttons.

"3." He said slowly which made me anxious. I hit the 3rd floor button and the doors closed. Once it stopped i got out. There were so many doors. I opened the first one and it was full of balls that you would find in a ballpit. 'Wierd kid'. I opened the next door to find elenor in a bikini reading a book. she looked up to me and smiled.

"You must be Soffie. Louis texted me and told me to find you a bathing suit." My jaw dropped once i saw hers it was beautiful. It was stripped with the american flag on top and british on bottom. She handed me one and pointed to the bathroom. I went in and took off my clothes. I put it on i didnt even bother to look at it first. I looked in the mirror and saw a 1D symbol and smiled. It was like elenors but it had Irish on top and British on bottom.

why arent one direction in my bathroom closet (Niall Horan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now