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*Harry pov*

Soffie opened the door. "What happened?" Zayn asked.

"LOUIS GET YOUR ARSE DOWN HERE NOW!!!!" I screamed. I gently put down Lilly, it's all his fault.

"What hazza?" He asked sounding annoyed as he bounded down the stairs. I am going to kill him.

"look what you did?" I said pointing to lilly.

"Oh my gosh, I didn't hurt her?," He asked confused but there were still tears gathering in his eyes.

"yea you did you called her a slut then she ran out, if you didn't call her a slut she wouldn't be hurt."

"I am sorry Harry"

"that won't work,"I am so mad. the front door opened and Louis mom came in

"o my gosh what happened!" soffie and I told her the entire story of what happened.

"now let me see the damage," she said "Boys leave the room.

"Everyone out besides soffie and Niall"I said and looked at Lous mom for assurance she nodded to show her apringly.

"Why Niall?" Louis asked akwardly.

"for soffie you twit" I practicly screamed at him. Then they left Louis' mom got her supplies ready and and started to unwrap the sheet. Soffie started to cry. Lilly had a big cut on her stomach, leg,arm, and bruises everywhere. Even though she was naked I didnt look at her that way. I looked at her cuts and went and got a wet wash cloth. When I came back I started to gently clean her cuts. After I was done cleaning. Mrs. T put medicine on them.

"Niall, Harry please leave the room I need to check for some other injures." She said and we left.

*Soffies pov*

I watched as she checked out her privates for damage. When she got to the 'land down under' she gasped. "What!" I yelled to her trying not to cry because I already knew. "No they didnt, please tell me Im wrong?" I asked her crying. She shook her head 'no' and I ran out of the room. I ran out to where the boys were and Harry was yelling at Louis for what he caused. I fell on the ground and Harry looked at me. Niall sat beside me and started to wrap his arms around my waist. I got up quickly and ran outside. I got on a 'TwinTrax' by the German Motercycle Authority and found the keys under the seat. I put the key in and turned it. I rode the bike a few miles and found a mall.

I went in and I ran straight to 'Claries' which is Lillies favorite store. I bought everything that was one direction in there. I ran out and went into 'hot topic' and bought her a 'Gangsta hat' as she calls them and then went back to the bike. I rode some more untill I found a 'Nandos'.

"Has Niall Horan ever been here?" I asked the lady behind the counter. She nodded. "I'll have his usall." I said to her and she pushed some buttons. She looked back up at me with realization.

"Hey your the girl that Niall and Harry were at the cafe with right." I slowly nodded. "Can I have your autograph?" She asked noticing my tear stainted face. I grabbed a pen out of my pocket and sighned a napkin for her. Yes I alwas have at least 2 pens in my pockets.

She handed me the food and I ran out and put it under the seat on the bike. I started it and drove back to the house I just left. I drove up and Lilly was sitting in a seat staring at me she smiled when she saw me. She got up and ran to me once I stoped the bike. I quickly got off and hugged her.

"I love you Lilly!" I said to my best friend I still had embraced in my arms.

"I love you to soff." She said. I pulled back and smiled at her sinicterly. "What?" She asked a little creeped out because every time I give her that look I have done somthing I promised I would never do. I walked back to the bike and opened the seat and pulled out the bags. I walked into the house and handed a worried looking Niall the bag of Nandos. I looked at Lilly. "He was worried you wernt coming back." She whispered into my ear.

I bent down to Niall. "I will always come back for you." I said into his ear. He has been here all along and I didnt mean to scare him like that. I lead Lilly into my room and shut the door. "I got woried and I left but you probably knew that." She nodded and i countinued. "I got you some stuff." I handed her the claires bag and she opened it. She pulled out the 1D bra and under wear and went to the bathroom and put them on. She came back only wearing those. Then she pulled out the 1D onsie and put it on. she zipped it up to right below her boobs so her bra was showing. Lily is an A cup but she doesnt care. I put on my 1D bra and under wear then I put on my onsie and zipped it like Lillies. She then pulled out the phone case and her phone and put it on. She reached back in the bag and pulled out all the earings and neclace's. She put them all on and put the rest of the stuff away.

I handed her the bag from 'hot topic' and she opened it and pulled out the hat. I didnt know they made these but she put on the 1D Gangsta hat and walked toward the door. We walked out and the guys all looked away when they saw our onsies were on zipped the way they were. I went and sat by Niall. He looked at me then he reached toward my chest. I was about to slap him but he didnt even look down. He zipped it up to were nothing was showing I looked over at Lilly and Harry was doing the same to hers but her zipper got stuck so he had to look. She was blushing like mad when he noticed the bra. He just laughed at his face on her boob and fixed the zipper. Unlike Lilly I am size C cup and it was a little more akward for me.

Lilly got up and walked over to Louis and sat by him. He whispered somthing in her ear and she laughed.

*Lillies pov*

I felt bad for Louis I know he is a nice guy and earlier he just said that because of the rest of the girls Harry brings home. I got up from beside Harry and I wanted to cry because my stomach was hurting really bad from where he cut me. I sat beside Louis and snuggled into him. It is alot colder over here.

"Nice pj's." Louis said in my ear which caused me to laugh and make Harry look over at us. Harry smiled at Louis and then he pulled out his phone and texted some one. Lous phone went off and he pulled it out. It was from harry and I read the message.

From Harry:

You two look cute together XXX

To Harry:

Well if your not hitting on her any more......I might have to take her OOO

These guys are so cute. Louis put his phone down and I snuggled closer to him. I was watching the TV untill Louis' phone went off and he pulled it out. I looked at Harry and he was watching the movie so I looked at Louis' phone.

From Harry (picture message):

 Louis clicked on the picture and laughed I looked at him oddly and he showed it to me. He didnt know I'd already saw it. It was a pic of me and Louis on the couch and we did look cute together, but like brother sister cute. I laughed at the message that was with it. It said 'La la la la la, SNAP gotchyaXOXOXO' Louis laughed to and handed me his phone. I put in my number and sent the pic to myself. I pulled out my phone and set it as my lock screen and my background I got up sighlently and put the phone onto of the couch Harry was on. I turned up the volume on it and went back beside Louis. Harry didnt notice so I thought it was funny.

I got on twitter and changed Louis statice to single to in a relation ship with '@Soffiethesofa' and put the pic with it. After a few seconds my phone went off. "Harry will you see what that is for me?" I asked him and he picked up my phone. His jaw dropped and Louis looked at him weird. I showed him what I did and he bent down and kissed me on the lips and took a picture of it. It wasnt a real kiss he just set his lips on mine. He then posted it on twitter and when it came up on my phone Harry looked at us weird. I grabbed his phone and tweeted: 'Prank on @Harrysyles lol' and gave Lou back his phone. I went to 'Peytons' room which was just the guest room and went to sleep.

A/N: pic of bike it will also be on the side ->

why arent one direction in my bathroom closet (Niall Horan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now