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I feel the lavender haze creeping up on me

"Suck my dick Jackson!" I yelled as I made the final cup in pong for me and Alayna, winning us this round. We were against Jackson and Alex and won 2/3 so I'm very pumped up. And feeling some effects of the alcohol.

He rolled his eyes as he drank the cup. "Yeah yeah whatever" he grumbled like the sore loser he is. Me and Alayna giggled and hugged each other in celebration.

"Yo Lily, come play beer ball with me" Luke poked his head in from outside. We were playing pong inside. "It me and you against Jack and Quinn."

I heard Jack and was down immediately. "Come watch" I told Alayna, going outside with Luke to play beer ball. I brought a fresh, unopened can with me too. I did an Arnold Palmer this time to make it easier to chug.

"I just won pong so I'm kind of on a winning streak" I stated cockily as we all placed our cans upside down on each corner of the table.

"Mhmm we'll see how that ends up" Jack laughed from the other end of the table. I was actually really good at this game, mainly because I could chug and I knew this game would have me drunk. It was a win win.

"Luke you can't drink any faster?" I yelled watching him chug his beer like a grandmother. "Let's go!" I pushed his shoulder and he flipped me off before having to stop because the other team retrieved the ball and put it on the table. "I get a fantastic shot, that should be gone" I shook my head.

"That was literally the second time you hit a can" he wasn't wrong.

"Ok and? It was good." We were too busy bickering to pay attention and Jack had thrown the ball hitting my can. We immediately shut up and started chasing the ball, managing to get it before they finished. But just barely. We both only had one can left, Luke and Quinn had there's still but me and Jack had finished.

"Ok, let's go Lily. You got this. I barely have a quarter left." Luke encouraged. I was tipsy so it wasn't entirely easy right now. Somehow by some miracle I hit the can and the ball went flying back at me, I almost got tackled by Quinn, but Luke was getting that drink down. He turned the can over and not a single drop came out.

"We win!" I yelled jumping into Luke's arms who spun me around happily.

"Ok, ok, good game guys" Jack scoffed, practically pulling me off of Luke. He shook Luke's hand and patted my back. "What now?"


Fantastic more chugging. I told them I'll go last because I need a new drink before grabbing out a fresh can from the fridge. When I walked out they were in a circle, there was a spot for me next to Luke. I took my seat, seeing Alayna sat in between Jack and Trevor.

"My turn" She yelled, a tell tale sign she was starting to feel it. She had a longer part and had to stop in The middle to laugh, leaning against Jack in the process. I could feel Like looking at me but, judging my reaction but it was Alayna. She's drunk and touchy with everyone but she knows that Jack is literally the love of my life. She just has a case of 'i need male attention constantly'.

By the time we went through Ratlinbog 3 times, everyone can safely say they had a good buzz. Buzz was being generous, we were all pretty drunk. "Let me pee then we can go" I told Luke before running inside to pee. I broke the seal like an idiot but I had to go so bad.

As I washed my hands I stared at my reflection. Studying my appearance just like the day we came here. I reached into the orange corset too and perked up my tits some more, applied a clear gloss to my lips, and fluffed up my hair before meeting everyone back out front.

We were bringing some drinks with us, just what we could carry really as there was absolutely going to be lots of alcohol at the party. The walk was barely 10 minutes as it was only a block over from the house so it didn't take long to get there. If we didn't know where we would going, it wouldn't be too hard to find as the ground beneath our feet shook and there were people scattered across the front porch and the lawn.

I watched as everyone walked in, hanging back just a second as I started to get this feeling in my stomach. Like something was warning me, telling me that something was gonna happen. I was always the person to trust my gut, always listening the signs my body sends. However today, it was probably the alcohol making my anxiety act up. I was with people I loved and people who loved me, it was fine. So I choose to ignore it as I walked into the party, letting the front door close behind me.


It had been over an hour since we had got here and the party was in full swing. Music was blasting, drinks were being drank, people dancing, people hooking up, it was a fun one.

"...7,8,9,10,11,12- 12 seconds!" My feet hit the ground and I wiped my mouth as people around me cheered for my attempt at a keg stand. That was my very first one.

"Killed that, honey!" One of the guys gave me a high five with a smile on his face.

"Thank you!" I was feeling good. That anxiety from before was gone and it was replaced with the weightless, loose feeling you get when your having the time of your life with friends.

"Holy shit you killed that!" Jackson shook my shoulders excitedly. He was gonna go now, try to one up me for sure though.

"Thank youuu" I sang, doing a little twirl. "Need to pee" I held up a finger to tell him 'I'll be right back' as I stumbled in the house. On the way to finding the bathroom I ran into Ethan, Mark, Seamus, and Luke in the kitchen taking shots. "Lukey!" I squealed throwing my arms around his neck.

"Lily girl, where you been?" He asked, a slight slur in his words. I explained to him my experience with the keg stand and the boys all gave me a high five happily. I was jumping up and down drunkenly and happily when I saw everyone come running inside from outside, drenched.

"It's fucking monsooning out there" someone yelled, of course, causing all the drunk people to cheer now that it was even more packed on the inside.

"Guess we're here for a while" Mark handed me and the rest of our group a shot of who knows and we happily took it. It going down rather harshly as I  cringed at the burn.

"Ugh gross" I fake gagged. "Need to pee. Also, where's my friend? Lane said she was going pee like so long ago" I asked.

"No idea, last I saw she was walking upstairs with some dude so there's that." Ethan shrugged. "No offense it's Alayna, you knew she would leave you for a guy tonight."

"Whatever" I was too drunk to argue. I finally made my way upstairs to find the bathroom. Finding the line rather quickly. I tapped my foot to avoid the pain in my bladder while I waited, thanking God when it was finally my turn to go inside.

I peed, feeling relief from the bladder pain and washed my hands and applied more gloss. I walked out seeing more drunk girls hurry inside after me. As I was about to head downstairs I noticed something weird.

Jacks hat on the ground, outside of a random room but the door was open. I felt jealousy bubble in my chest and had the urge to see her. See if she was so much fucking better than me that he would hook up with whoever it was and not me.

I wish I hadn't.

The glass bottle in my hand slipped and broke in the doorway as a gasp escaped my lips. Suddenly I was stone cold sober. "A-Alayna?"

LAVENDER HAZE - J. Hughes Where stories live. Discover now