Chapter 17: Wow what a woman!

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Riley's P.O.V:
I wake up on Sunday morning knowing that Noah isn't sleeping beside me. I quickly sits up to look around her room, she is usually sitting in some window when she has had nightmares. I look for the window and the balcony. I doesn't find her.. Shit!! Where is she!!! That's when I see the paper laying on the bedside table closest to my side of the bed. I look look down toward it to read my name on the note that's folded double. I open it knowing that's not from Noah, I should have recognized her handwriting even with her right hand. She always learned to do what ever she could with both hands and feet after her first broken arm.

I kidnaped Noah when I saw her walking around the hallway. I hope it's okay if she sleeps with me tonight. I promise to take care of her and if I don't keep my promise you get to smack me on the head. We will see you when the girl wakes up, Ryder :)'

I smile to the fact that he actually said that I could hit him if he didn't take care of Noah! I shake my head a little before stepping out from her bed and getting up to stretch a bit. Then I walk over to my suitcase that Jack and Alison had packed for me while I talked to James Red on the phone. I pick up and croptop and a pair of blue boyfriend jeans. I change into them and then walks over to Noah's bathroom to fix my hair a bit before smiling at the reflection. I then walks over to the bedside table where the note was sotting and takes my phone from beside it. And I walks out of the room and down toward the kitchen, I have already learned my way around here and when I step inside the kitchen I see that no one is awake.. I think at least. I check the big watch hanging on the wall and understands why, it's only 8.03.. On a Sunday. I sigh and walks over to the refrigerator and gets out a a orange juice and then I take an apple from the kitchen island. Eating on the apple I walk around and when I come to an room at the back of the house I find and Piano. I smile even bigger and sits down on the seat before putting down my glass and apple on the pianoforte. I then slowly klick the tangents to check the sound and then starts to play. I have always been good at music things and I had learned to play the piano very fast at the orphanage while Noah learned to make everything with both hands and such. Noah had always been drawing and I playing music.

I let my fingers play over they tangents of the piano and music quickly come to life. I'm so focused on the music I don't even notice someone standing in the doorway until they move. I quickly looks up to see a pair of twins in the door way, the ones I have learned was Dylan and Jaxon. They are dressed in jeans and a plain shirt and one of then, Dylan I think has an jersey jacket on.

I stand up and quietly shuts the piano before taking my glass and taking a sip.
"Sorry!" I say, even if I don't know what for. The boys frown and then smiles.
"Don't be, Dad is glad that someone use the piano, it usually was Hunter that played but He is rarely home more than the weekends because of university. And none of us other can actually play so good." One of them says smiling, I guess Jaxon.

I move from the piano and frowns a bit. Noah can play, pretty good even.. Why hadn't she. I let that though go and looks at the twins.
"Why are you up?" I ask and they smile.
"Baseball practice early today." I just nod to the answer and takes my half eaten apple and the empty glass before walking toward them. Then I slink past them walks toward the kitchen. The twins follows. I throws the apple in the trash and put the glass in the dishwasher. Then I turn to the boys.

"How about pancakes and bacon for breakfast?" I say and they smile.
"That sounds good." Dylan says smiling. I begin to take out all the ingredients. Then I starts to make breakfast. It goes fast and I'm used to making a lot of food on little time because of kitchen duty at the orphanage. When I have gotten all the pancakes up on an plate and the bacon on another, I turn around to walk to the table to put down the food when I see that the twins are watching me with some kind of shock in their eyes. I smile and walk around them and putting down the food on the big table I turn around and walk toward the refrigerator to pick something to drink.
While I take two big boxes of orange juice out from the refrigerator I turn toward the hallway and shouts!
"FOOD IS READY!!" I scream at the top of my lungs, to try to wake the others up. I walks over to the table and puts down the juice packs. Then I look over to the twins.

"Should I have screamed louder, or is the boys easy to wake up?" I ask with a smile and the twins look at each other and then smiles widely.
"Wow, what.." Jaxon starts to say.
"..A woman!" Dylan finish the sentence. I smile and shake my head slightly for their silliness.

"We can check if they waked up or not." Jaxon says and drags Dylan with him into the corridor. I on the other hand shake my head again while walking over to the cabin and getting out fourteen plates, glasses and cutlery. I then takes the plates and walks over to the table putting them down on the middle of the table.

"Want some help?" A strong voice asks from behind me and I jump a little. Turning around I see a big guy with brown hair and green/blue eyes. He is tall too.. Really tall. I smile and I look at him more closely.. Hunter, I think his name is.

"Yeah, you could take the glasses!" I say smiling. I remember Noah telling that she really liked Hunter because he really was like a big brother to her.
"So you cook?" Hunter says smiling and he takes the glasses while I take the knifes and forks. When I have put then down on the table I turn and look at him. He does the same.

"Yes, I guess I do." I answer simply and then I take a seat while waiting for the family Collins to get down.
"You guess?" Hunter asks a little confused while looking at the food.
"Yeah, I mean I don't usually cooks but we did get to learn how to cook at the orphanage and I was usually one if them that got to cook for the kids cause I was a fast learner." I say and smiles.
"So how did you learn to do it so fast?" An other voice says coming from the doorway to the hall. I turn my head to see Dylan there.
"I observed the older ladies in the kitchen that could make food for at least 60 kids at teen minutes. And I learned all their tricks, Me and Noah liked to sit on the island in the kitchen and watch the woman work so fast. But it didn't happen so often because we where the big kids, the kids who toke care of the smaller ones." I say and smiles toward the boys coming into the dinner room. I scan the crowed and sees everyone except Noah and Ryder. i smile.
"So he really does takes away her dreams?" I ask looking at then all.

"I guess he does!" Mason says and takes a seat. I bite my lip before smiling again.
"No one could do that at the orphanage.. Not even me.. I could be there when she waked up but couldn't take then away.. And Noah, damn, She always looked after everyone in or dorm, the green ones. She didn't sleep much but she never showed weakness. I like that about her.. I mean that she always tries and that she is strong!" I say and then I look up to see everyone watch me. I smile and then shakes my head.
"Bon appetite!" I say.

So here is the next chapter. A little boring maybe.. Sorry!
So you get to know Riley a bit more here, what do you think?

I will try to write next chapter tomorrow, i have got plenty of time when I have to wait for my ride home so ;) OO Winnie

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