Chapter 18: Baseball

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Noah's P.O.V:
I sit up and looks around a little confused, where am I? I look over to the windows and see that this room is facing the front of the house. I frown and look around toward the door and thats when I see something from the corner of my eyes. I turn to see Ryder laying beside me and sleeping, his chest bare but he still has his jeans and shoes on. I smile, of course , I followed him here yesterday to get some sleep.

I turn toward the window again and slowly gets out from the bed and walks to the window. I look out the window and see that it's a sunny day. I turn just enough to see a picture on the wall, Ryder with an small girl, smiling. I frown a bit and that's when I hear someone breath behind me, I take a deep breath and turn to Ryder!

"Don't do that!!" I say a bit angry over that he scared me. He smiles.
"That's my little sister, Melody!" He smiles even bigger when he says this and I'm a little surprised, I mean I have seen him around here almost everyday. It's like he live here. I smile and only nods. I look over to a small clock standing on the bedside table and sign, it's just 8.58. I look at Ryder while he looks at the picture of his sister.

"Should we get down and eat something? Jaxon and Dylan have Baseball practice today." Ryder says and I smile a bit. Ryder then turns from the picture to look me over.
"How are you feeling?" He asks and I stop for a minute to think, my arm hurts like hell but I'm used to it. I'm also a bit tired and my head hurt but otherwise I'm fine.
"Pretty good actually!" I say and smile an big smile before taking his hand and drags him to the door. Then I realize what I'm doing and letting go of his hand. I blush a bit and then talks.
"I should probably get dressed.. You can go downstairs." I say and walks to the door. Ryder walks around for a while before finding a black tshirt and his jacket. He pulls them on over his bare chest and smiles, now fully dressed. Then I feel him follow me.

"I will wait outside." He says and smiles before leaning with his arms crossed on the wall. I smile a little and slips into my room and starts getting clothes out. I take out a a black skater skirt, an light blue croptop and my shoes and a pair of short socks. I get dressed and then I pull on my dads cap. I get a light makeup on, mostly to cover my dark circles under my eyes.

When I walk out from my room, Ryder looks up and smiles.
"You look good, now we get some food and then we can watch Jaxon and Dylan run around on that field." I smile to that and we get down o the dinning room. I stop in the doorway to observe what is happening for a bit. Jaxon, Dylan, Riley, Hunter and Aaron is in a heated discussion about something while Grey are sitting in Riley's lap. Mason and Daisy are listening to Ryan, Colton, Nathaniel and Parker. Ryder walks in and slips down beside Hunter and starts talking. I on the other hand stays where I'm standing. I watch and observe for at least 10 minutes before Grey notice me. He slips down from Riley's lap and runs to me. I slip down to catch him and then stand up again. Grey smiles really big at me and starts right away to talk. Like he always does.

"Riley has been telling us stories." He starts with and I smile a bit.
"Yeah? About me and all the crazy stuff I have done?" I ask and he giggles.
"Yes, but she also told me that you plays piano.. Could you.. Show me?" He says a bit shyly and I smile.
"Maybe after your brothers have played baseball today." I say and he starts to talk really fast and bubbly. That excitement!! I smile really big when he tells me all about how Hunter once had tried to teach him, and about how Riley had told stories of what we used to do and all that. I know my dimples are on display but I don't care.

"Is it true that you but balloons full of paint over the door to the change room of the personal, and that when someone would walk in the got painted?" He asks and I laugh softly while shifting him a bit. Getting somewhat tired in my right arm.

"Yes, but I got to clean up and I was sent to the head mistress office." I say and smiles whole heartedly.
"Come on Buddy, let's Noah get to rest her arm a bit." Ryder says, he had walked here when I laughed and probably notice how I often jump Grey up on my hip. Grey's smile fades a bit but I smile.
"Go to Ryder-Rex and then you can sit at my lap while I eat, so you can tell me all those stories, okay?" I say happily and Grey stretch his arms to Ryder that easily takes his weight and we walks to the table. I take some pancakes and then let Grey slip into my lap.

I'm sitting in the backseat of Dylan and Jaxon's car with Riley and Ryder on either side of me.
"So can you play baseball Noah?" Jaxon ask while he looks in the back-view mirror. Dylan smiles.
"No." I say simply and Riley laughs knowing my lie. Ryder and the twins all frown at her. She smirks.
"Noah can probably beat all of you!" She says happily and I sign.
"Riley!!" I say a bit sarcastic and she laughs softly.
"Even with this?" Ryder says and taps lightly on my cased left arm. It makes an empty sound and I grimaces.
"Yep!" Riley says with pride in her voice. She always sounded proud when she talked about me. I couldn't understand why.

"No way!" Dylan says and Riley smiles even bigger.
"Wanna bet?" Riley says and Dylan smiles. Oh no..
"20 bucks!" Dylan says and Riley laughs.
"Deal!" She say and shake Dylan's hand. Making the deal real. I shake my head and look to Jaxon.
"I really hope he doesn't need those money." I say and then starts to taping my cast, a bit nervous.

I stand at the edge of the baseball plan and watch as boys are running around and throwing balls, swinging bats and catching. I look over to Riley beside me. She smiles big.
"What if I lose?" I say a with a bit of joke in my voice. Riley laughs.
"Like if!" She simply says and I shake my head. I tug a bit on my cap and then looks down in my hands. I sure should be able to swing the bat even with the cast on left hand, I just have to be careful. Dylan and Jaxon runs over the field and I sigh. Lets do this then.

"Noah, get your butt over here and play with us before coach are coming to make us training." Dylan shouts and I smile. Then I turn to Riley.
"You owe me!" I say and starts running to the twins. The Collins are sitting on the benches and watching while talking, Ryder is with them and Riley join them. I reach the twins and they smile.

"Soo we get to hit 2 balls each, that means you have 4 times. Now let's see if you're better than us." Jaxon says smiling. I shake my head with a big smile on my lips. Their teammates split up into two groups and takes mine and the twins side. It's just us three that hits but the teammates are in to catch the balls and so on. I'm to start throwing the ball.

"You sure you can use your hand?" Jaxon asks a bit nervous and I smile.
"Who said I would use it?" I say and then stands ready to throw with my right hand. I get away some pretty good shoots and then it's my turn with the bat. I stand ready and crouch down a bit holding the bat with my right hand and grabbing it loosely with my left one. I hit the ball when Dylan throws it and it flies toward the middle of the field, I quickly drops the bat and runs like hell for the platforms, I round them all and half way to the last I see how Jaxon have gotten the ball and are throwing it to Dylan, I run a bit faster and glides into the platforms right before Dylan catch it. I jump up on my feet and brush of my skirt. I smile to Dylan, Home Run!
"Okay I admit it, you crushed us!!" Dylan says and Jaxon smiles.
"How did you learn to play?" He says and smiles even bigger.
"Yeah, where did you learn to play?" An deep voice says from behind me and I quickly looks over my shoulder to see a muscular built man stand behind me, he is maybe in his late thirthies?

"Coach Jackson!" Dylan says smiling.
"This is our little sister Noah Winters!" Jaxon says then and I turn to him.
"Hey! I'm just as old as you two!" I say a bit irritated that the call me little sister but still a bit touched.

"Dylan, you owe me twenty bucks!!" Riley shouts running to me, before she jumps and hugs me. I laugh and she then stops jumping and smiles.
"Thanks for making me money, Firefly!" She says and I laugh.

"Where did you learn to play baseball, Noah?" The coach asks and my smiles fades a bit.
"My father learned me both Baseball and Basketball as a kid and I learn fast so I catch up things at matches and I kept playing." I say and Coach smiles.
"So would you like to play?" He asks and I frown slightly. The twins look at me but only Riley understands. She puts a hand on my arm and smiles.
"No. I have always just played with my father and the kids at the orphanage. So i have to say No." I say and Riley takes me out from the field and we climbs the benches to sit down on the top far away from all people.

"How are you feeling, Noah?" Riley ask.
"Okay I guess.. How is it going for you at school and all?" I ask back and see smiles, telling me about a girl that is a totally bitch and that she has gotten a couple of friends but making sure to tell me I'm her best friend, Always!
A short chapter but I'm thinking about finising this one soon! OO Winnie

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