Chapter 5: Raining basketball

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Hunter's P.O.V:

Noah whisperer something, to quietly for me or any of my brothers to hear but dad hears it and frowns before signing loudly. I look at my brothers and all of them looks really confused. I look at dad and he smiles weakly.

"What was that?" Dylan asks and I shake my head and Dad walks out from the room and toward the kitchen. Jaxon case a dead glare at his twin and Ryan slams down into the couch. I signs and decide that I'm the one who will have to tell them. Grey meanders in Colton's arms, Colton then gives up on trying to hold Grey still and just lets him get down to the floor ones again. I fall back into on of the two armchairs and looking at the others I start.

"Noah doesn't like to talk and still has some trouble with new people. Dad wants us to give her time and I also wants to say that this is her old hometown.." I say and the starts to chatter again, that's when I sneak out and up into my own room. I get my earphones out from the back pocket and plug them in before starting some music and waiting for the dinner I fall asleep.

Noah's P.O.V:

I drag my hands over my face, drying away the last tears. I take some deep calming breaths before I look out over the ocean and smiles. I don't remember much from my time in Miami beach but i have always remembered the Ocean. After a while when I just stared at the Ocean I signs and jump down into my room and almost gets an heart attack, cause in the room stands the older twins. I lay one of my hands over my hardly beating heart and calms down. 

"Did you just came down from the roof?" One of them asks and I nod slowly, not getting where this should lead to. They twins smiles at each other and then turn their smiles to me. 

"That's just awesome!" Both says in unison. I shake my head and they smiles even bigger.

"Anyway, dinner is ready.. I thought we would fetch you down with us!" The one who hadn't asked the question said and I nodded. I could find the Dinner room but it would be nice to get there together with someone. They smiles and link their arms with one of mine each before they starts to walk out from my room fully in a conversation. I stay quiet but listen a little to what they say even if I don't understand like half of the words they say.. Must have something to do with that weird twin thing. I shake my head and non of them notice. 

"I'm still going to hit Hunter for that day!" The one on my left says and I smiles a little but still hiding it. The other boy laughs at the boys sentence.

"Then what do you think I should do? Huh? To you and Hunter for leaving me like I was the one hitting that boy?" The right one says and I crack up into a small smile.

"Are you talking about the Locker door smash thing?" I giggle a little and both boys stops in their tracks, making me almost fall on my butt cause the fact that they still have their arms linked with my own arms. I look up at them, a little confused and the look puzzled.

"How did you know that?" Left side asks and I smile.

"Hunter. You're Ryan right?" I say to the left one and he smiles then.

"He told you the story? Well he most really likes you Noah cause I threatened to chop his balls of if he told anyone. Yeah I'm Ryan." He says and smiles while Colton shakes his head. 

"He really likes when some one can tell us apart.. Even coach can't tell who is who and we meet him almost everyday." Colton says and I laugh before looking up at him.

"Wait.. Coach? What do you play?" I asks and they both smiles when the have got me to talk.

"Me and Colton plays football. Dylan and Jaxon plays Baseball and Aaron and Nathaniel plays Basketball. Hunter used to play both Football and Basketball but when he started to work he went over to boxing." Ryan says and I smiles before turning to look at Colton.

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