Chapter 8: School

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Noah's P.O.V:
I looked out through the window the whole way to the elementary school watched when Nathaniel and Parker jumped out from the car. The turned around to me and smiles.

"Bye Noah!" They shouts before running off into the school. I shake my head and turn my attention back to the window, watching how the whole world just swish by outside the window in just seconds. If you blink for just a second you will miss a big part of the whole thing, that's what's makes everything so damn complicated. You always miss something, just one second and it's gone. I'm pulled out from my thoughts by someone clearing his throat, looking up I see that we are in front of a big school and Colton and Ryan smiles to me.

"Ohh hell! I hate starting in new schools!" I whispers but they hear it.

"Who doesn't?" Ryan mumbles and I smile at that.

"We will take care of you!" Colton says and I smile a little bigger and then they both jump out from the car opening the back door Colton grabs their big sport bags and then smiles at me.

"Come on Noah!" He says and I take a deep breath before jumping out and then their is a big crowd of people around us. Girls that talks to the twins while twirling their hair around their fingers and blushing, boys that talks sport and does this weird handshakes that boys does. I feel out of space so I sneak out from there when the twins greet the group of people all around them. I sneaks away from the group and walk quietly toward the school doors. I walk through them without getting notice and rapidly I walk toward where I think the office is. After some time trying to find the office I find it and walking in I bite my lip and walks over to the desk. There is a old lady behind it that is writing on a computer, she is so engrossed by it so I clears my throat to get her attention before trying to smile nicely.

"Hi, I need to pick up my schedule, my name is Noah Winters." I say fast and quietly. The woman smiles at me.

"Noah.. Noah Winters! Yeah, you're Masons new daughter!" She says while looking through a pile with paper, she gets a few out and lays it in a folder before giving it to me.

"Your schedule, locker combination and number is in there together with a map over the school. I wish you a good day hunny!" The woman says and I says a quick thank you before looking down on the map. I really don't know where I'm. Shit. How will I get to first period in time.

"Excuse me?" A voice says and I jump a little, turning around I see that there is a young woman stands there with a smile on her lips. I try to smile but gives up when it doesn't work.

"Noah Winters?" She asks and I nod my head. She smiles even brighter then.

"I'm Principal Jollie Fray, I thought that I can show you to your first lesson and to your locker." She says and I smile just a little. I nod and she starts walking.

"This way!" She says and I follow her into the corridor and she only stops when we are in a hall full of lockers. I look around and the principal smiles.

"What number do you have? This is one of our eight halls with lockers." Mrs. Fray says and I looks at the paper in my hands. Locker 738.

"738" I say and she walks straight to the locker on the middle left side. I follow and then looks down in the paper again, combo: 96-87-04 I turn the lock to the numbers and there is a low click before I can open it up. I put Colton's bag in the locker and close it again before we start to walk again. I have my phone on vibrate so I let it be in my pocket, I have already got a bunch of messages. I look up to the woman and she smiles.

"This way" she says and we begin to walk to the classroom. Looking down on my vans I follow her and before I know it we stops and looking up I see that we are in front of the classroom I'll have First period in. I drag my lips up into a small smile before she then tap on the door and after a little while the door swings open, releases an angry old man.

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