Lies - 1

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What I always believed was a lie. I had hoped for a better start to this life I've lived for so long. It hurts to think that people can change, yet they do. We can't fix everything but we always try too. So what do you do when the one person you love goes against everything you believe. You try to fix it.

"Everlyn come on we'll miss the train!" A voice had echoed through the rocking house we call the wesleys. Me and my twin brother had been staying there since, well, "Everlyn hurry!" He yelled once more.
"Alright im here, geez harry give me a break. I had to brush my teeth." I spoke moving quickly to the table grabbing some food our best friend's mother had cooked.

"You guys better not be fighting." Molly Weasley yelled at her twins. Fred and Geroge were always making a racket in the house. It was never quite which had been my favorite thing. Probably not for their parents. After that night at the Ministry of Magic quite makes you think. Thinking is too much now.

I had been lost in my own thoughts, I hadn't paid no mind to Hermione trying to get my attention. "Everlyn you alright?" I hadn't seen or heard her talking to me till now. "Ye-Yeah im fine." It was clear I was telling a white lie. But I haven't talked about it yet, and I don't think I'll be ready for a long time. It hurts to let the thoughts be out loud. With that we both walked over to my brother and Ron. I stand right next to Harry, it's normal at this point.

"Are you guys ready for 6th year?" Harry asked, I smiled for the first time in awhile. I grabbed Harry's hand, while Hermione grabbed his other hand and Ron's hand. "He's back. " Hermione spoke quietly. 'Yeah..." I said simply. Harry frowned at him as did Ron, "There could be a war on our shoulder at every wrong turn." I smiled again, "There always has been." We all laughed. It was the sad truth that every year we go back we get closer and closer to a war. Fighting isn't the hard part any more. Love and death is.

– Hogwarts Express –
"Guys you don't need so many trolleys to get in here." I scolded the boys who were wasting their money on treats they didn't need. They had a bigger problem than their soon to be rotting teeth. "We need to talk about draco." Hermione rolled her eyes at this. I picked up on it. "Why'd you do that?" I asked, Harry heard my tone so he quickly turned around.

"Everlyn, do you hear yourself? You're so blinded by your hate for him you think he would become a death eater. He's only a child. I don't even know how would do that." Hermione explained, the look on my face I guess could show it all because Harry stepped up.

"Hermione, we have every reason to believe-" I cut him off. "I do believe he would do this to a child because he tried to do it to me and harry. We didn't get a scar from a piece of flying glass Hermione. He cursed us, so yes I do believe he would make draco a death eater." My words started to blur as I hadn't taken a break. Harry looked at Everlyn seeing the pain she was hiding. Ron looked like he had a million thoughts but couldn't talk one.

Hermione looked at her hurt, Everlyn felt bad she yelled at her. "I'm sorry, it's just... His death still isn't easy. I get overly mad, or overly upset. Truly Hermione, I'm sorry." Everyone was quite still, like everyone's eyes were on her. She had also been singled out during her life but doesn't mean it ever feels better. "I- Uh- '' After that I was off I ran out of the room we had filled on the train.

Before I got too far I heard Harry speak, "Guys, she had never seen someone die. This was her first time and it was our godfather. The only family we had left. You need to give her time." His explanation made sense but didn't give her an excuse. "I get that but she's now blaming Draco when he couldnt be." Ron said, Harry looked down. Hermione's eyes opened wide, "You believe it too!" She said shocked, Ron finally looked the same. " Harry, there's no way." Harry cut Ron off. "You don't know that."

Everlyn smiled to herself, made her happy knowing she always had her brother. She started to walk around the train. Just listening to all the voices, and sounds that you didn't always hear. The train is filled with people just so happy to be there, happy to see their friends, some though are scared. You don't have to talk to have a conversion. At any sound people would jump and reach for their wands. Really it was just the train having a couple problems. She could guess why they did this, but quite frankly she knew why, "Voldemort." Draco said, making me jump. "What?" she asked, wanting to know why out of everything he would say his name.

"Your mind, people are scared of Voldemort. You know that." Draco said like he was circling her. She felt her skin crawl as he whispered to her. "They shouldnt though." She spoke proudly. Draco smiled, "Why's that Everlyn Potter?" Everlyn looked dumbfounded as is. But Draco, it's like he was joking with her. "He won't ever win. Death eaters can only get him so far." Everlyns smiled appeared as Dracos went into a straight face. The train slowed down, they hadn't ever talked face to face with more than two words.
"Walk with me." Draco asked

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