Breath - 2

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Everlyn was taken back by this. "Why?" She asked simply, knowing this will be another sick joke on her. Draco smiled again, "Why not?" She paused. She didnt breathe even when she just stopped. If she really wanted to find out the truth maybe, she would plfhay his game. "Fine." Draco was shocked by her answer but went along with it.

Everyn and Draco walked side by side down to the broadening. The whole walk people would just stare at her. "Draco, people are staring." Everyn said, Draco looked around. "Oh they are huh. Probably jealous." Draco laughed, She stared at him. "Or maybe because I saw Voldemort in real life." Draco's face went away again. "Maybe that."

Hermione, Ron, and Harry were waiting at the broadening door for their friend. "What in the bloody- is that?" Everyone turned to see what Rob was on about. It wasn't till their eyes were all locked. "Oh god." Everlyn quickly tried to hide. If they knew her plan, they would think she is crazy. First, they don't even believe he is a death eater. Second, being close to Draco just isn't a good idea.

"Potter." Draco spoke with poison in this voice. Harry stayed looking at his sister. Hermione had her mouth hanging out as did Ron. "Here's your sister, I assume you want her back." Harry finally looked at Draco. "Would be much appreciated." Draco nodded, signing for Everlyn to go over to them. Everlyn hadn't whispered a word, she quite frankly didn't know what to say.

"I don't need to be nodded towards. I can very much go when I feel like it." Everlyn started with her attitude again. "Everlyn." Harry said, she turned too him. "Drop it." Everlyn took a deep breath in. Before walking towards her group of friends. She turned back to Draco. "See you around darling." Everlyn looked at her friends once more before turning back to Draco. "Yeah. See you around." Her last words before Draco walked away. She felt like she could breath again.
"What was that Everlyn?" Ron yelled and whispered at her. She didn't know if saying the plan would benefit her in this situation. She hadn't even an idea if the idea was even a good one. Yet she didn't seem to let that phase her. "He asked to walk with me. So I did it." Everlyn explained. "That's it's okay, now stop looking at me like I'm crazy." Ron and Hermione looked at each other before just walking away. Everlyn closed her eyes for a minute of peace. "You have a plan." A boy's voice said, she knew who it was of course.
"I do." She still had her eyes closed. "So why not tell them?" Harry hadn't even thought about the fact being they lost it with her earlier for the same reason.

"Haven't decided if it's a good one yet." It was simple. Yet Harry knew what she meant. She didn't want to put on others without it working. They did that once before and now they have no family. The last one got killed protecting their stupid plan. But that's what family is for.

— Dinner hall —

Harry and Everlyn walked in at the last sortings. Honestly for the better, they always take forever. They sit in front of their friends, the twins smiled at them. Yet that wasn't matched, "Hey guys." Everlyn exclaimed, as another kid was sorting into Raven law making everyone clap but them. "Draco can't keep his eyes off you now can he?" Ron remarked. Everlyn and Harry both turned around to see Draco looking at her. He quickly turned back to the stage, as Dumbledore clapped his hands getting everyone's attention.

Harry turned to Everlyn really fast, she knew why so she just shrugged her shoulders, for she didn't have a clue why he was staring at her. " Welcome back to another year at Hogwarts. It is my pleasure to introduce all the first years. Now, if we don't mind, let the feast-" He got cut off by a random student who none of the kids had bothered to learn the name of. "Sir, What if he who must not be named comes here in search of the Potters?" Everyone's eyes quickly turned to the two. Everlyn felt as if she was being watched by thousands of people. In reality just the whole great hall.

Ron and Hermione looked at each other then back to the two. Draco's eyes wandered to the kids who spoke these words. Vengefulness growing inside of him. "I can assure you. That Hogwarts is the safest place to be with him must not be named roaming around."  Harry pulled on Everlyn rob. She took the sign that they wanted to leave. They turned to their best friends who just nodded their heads. They both stood up walking towards the great hall doors, Dumbledore, and all the professors looked at them two. None of them could blame them for getting up knowing everyone's watching you isn't a good feeling.

As they got to the door, the great hall was still quiet. " His name is Voldemort, and if he comes after me, if he comes after us, he won't have a fighting chance." The great hall breaks up with loud whispers. "You dare speak his name." One was overly loud. "Yes I do actually. No matter what he will try to kill us either way." Draco's smile stopped at the girl saying this name. But yet no one had picked on it.

Hours later

"Do you think they are right about the safety of Hogwarts?" Hermione asked, seeing as if she's over everything that had just happened with Draco. Yet Everlyn's mind was still on him. "You heard Dumbledore Hogwarts is the safest place." Harry said breaking Everlyn from her thoughts again. "Really? First year, What happened?" Everlyn spoke to all of them. Ron yet to even look at her. "That was an odd chance." Harry defended his words. Everlyn laughed, "Odd chance? What about second year huh? When we fought in the chamber of secrets? Or third s-" Everlyn stopped right on her track. As if she was pulling on a break. Harry's eyes left hers, she started back up. "Fourth years, remember the goblet of fire? Fifth year, that horrible teacher." Everlyn laughed, slowly leading to Hermione doing the same. Harry let out a couple laughs. Ron however, didn't move.

"But this just shows. If it does happen we can face it." Hermione said smiling. "Of course we can. We didn't ever stop fighting really." Everyone had smiles. Finally Everlyn looked at Ron. He had a frown like he had only seen terrible things. Like everything was drained from him. "Ron, you seriously can't be mad at me forever. It was a one time thing, we are best friends also. So you really can't stop talking to me." She sat next to him. Ron moved away. "Ron come on I'm sorry." She said getting closer to him. "God Everlyn just stop. You're getting all close to Draco how about to go talk to him about your problems." She had been taken back. Harry and Hermione looked at eachother.

"Ron, Uncalled for." Harry said, trying to back up his sister. She shakes her head, "no he's right, I've befriended the enemy huh?" Everlyn questioned him. Ron rolled his eyes, "Yeah actually that's right." Hermione looked more upset by the minute. "Ron stop please." She begged the stubborn man, which was like poking the bear that had been sleeping for so long. No one saw Ron in such a light, of being so hurtful towards someone. Even more when it's his long time friend. "Don't you see it! That walk meant a lot to Draco, and I could see you too. You couldn't breathe around him! You know it just like I do!" He yelled almost at the top of his lungs.

Everlyn felt hurt, she finally got off the couch. "You know I think I will go take a walk around the castle." Harry looked heart broken at her. "Everlyn-" she cut him off. "It's fine, seriously it's fine." She said opening the door. The second it closed, what she had been holding back started to fall. She walked down the moving stairs before making it to one of the main hallways. It wasn't past curfew but it was pretty late so no one was up. She hadn't taken in how much a plan could hurt her friends. It was the only bad thing she could fullying think about in this plan.

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