Deal with the Devil - 5

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The next day was a lot harder though. Harry told all of them about the horcruxes Voldemort asked about. They learned what they did. And how he put his souls into different things to stay alive forever. But that wasn't the hardest, everytime she would see Draco that conversation replayed in her head. Mostly ending with her in tears.

She did her best to not talk to him. Everytime he walked up to her, she walked away. Following Harry somewhere, anywhere was better than there.

As she walked out of her class which was followed by a free period. She had to get out of the castle, she couldn't take it any more. She walked to one of her and Draco's favorite places. Right by the lake the sky is covered by tears on top of trees.

She felt someone following her the whole way. She hadn't stopped to check behind her since she knew the pattern.

As she reached the spot, she stopped and took a deep breath in. "Everlyn?" Draco said. Her heart broke even more. "Did I do something wrong?-" she cut him off. "Please tell me what I'm thinking is wrong." Tears fell as she spoke. "Please tell me. What everyone thinks isn't true." She had yet turned to him. Draco was deeply confused, "Everlyn, what are you talking about?" Her voice whenever she cried hurt him deeply.

She turned around in a snap, "tell me you're not a death eater. Draco please tell me you aren't. Say the word and I will believe you. Please." She begged him to cry. At this point her tears blurred her vision. Draco's heart dropped, his statue face took the place of his sadness. "I can't tell you that." Draco said, wiping a tear that had fallen.

"Why? Why can't you tell me that?" Her voice breaks mid sentence. Draco wiped another tear. "Because I can't lie to you." Everlyn fell to her knees. She knew the plan for her was to find out. But she had fallen in love with the boy who was so hateful. But he was so broken. Her cries playing over and over again.

"Everlyn please-" He tried to walk over to her. She stood up fast, backing up. As if she was scared of him. She always knew that there was a chance. But hearing him say it was different. "No. No. You have made me fall in love with you! Just to tell me what I'm fighting against. What wants to kill me. Who killed so many people. Is who you are!"  Draco didn't move anymore. His statue face was gone. He couldn't hide it any more, "I had become it before I knew it. If I could take it back Everlyn just so I could be with you I would!" He cried slowly. Keeping his voice calm.

"But you can't! You can't take away your dark mark can't you!" She yelled at him. Draco looked up, avoiding eye contact with her. Since that would break him all over again. "He'll kill me." Draco cried to the girl. Begging her not to leave without him.

"You made a deal with the devil." It broke them both. Her having to say that and hearing about Voldemort killing the one she loves. And for Draco it broke him seeing what he had done to her. And had done to himself. Everlyn started to walk closer to him. Draco wasn't expecting her to get close to him ever again. She stood in front of him, as more tears fell for the both of them. She raised her hand to his cheek, wiping the said tears away. Draco looked down at the smaller girl. Draco bent down as Everlyn stood up a little more. The space between them closed as their lips met. It was short but meant the world for him both. Like what was said before He was like her oxygen. Her air that she needed when she was the most out of breath. For Draco, she was his gravity that kept his world spinning. Both of which they were losing.

As they pulled apart, tears still came back. They both rested their foreheads on each other, "please. Please don't leave me. I love you." Draco whispers begging for her to listen. To stay. "Draco, I love you too... but I can't." She pulled away from him, backing up from the broken boy. Walking past him.

Both of them, never feeling so much pain. So much heartache. In another life for the both of them,  they would be standing next to each other. Smiling, laughing, pure joy. Why must this life be so hard, why must the choices you make me so final. Why cant you take back sometimes, and move on. Must the world be so cruel to us all. His heart beats for Everlyn. Everlyn heart beats for him. This just didn't seem fair.

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