Proof - 6

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Everlyn didn't go to class for the rest of the day. She has hardly left her bed since she got back. Her thoughts just ran back to him, always just went back to him. He followed her mind no matter where it went. Her tears hadn't stopped falling.

Draco hadn't felt that spot. He knew snape was probably looking for him, he knew he wouldn't have an excuse for why he hadn't been to class, or why he hadn't helped the death eaters today. He had felt pain before, his father had only shown him that. But Everlyn wasn't the pain you feel when you're yelled at by the one's supposed to love you. But it was getting attached to something you can't have.

Hours went by for the both of them like a lifetime. As everyone's class ended, she started to hear the common room fill with people. She couldn't face going down there to even see her friends.

Lucky for her, they came upstairs. "Everlyn!" She heard yelling. She had to make up her mind fast, if she doesn't go out there they will wonder what is wrong with her. But on the other hand she didn't want to leave her bed. She had to pick fast.

"Harry?" She said standing up fast, almost losing her balance. She had her door handle move, "Everlyn? Where have you been?" He asked after coming in followed by Hermione and Ron. She put on a fake smile, "Feeling sick." She said looking at them all. "I did hear that a bug was going around." Harry spoke up looking at his sister.

Everlyn nodded her head towards him, "you guys go on to dinner without me I'll stay up here-" Hermione cut her off. "No way! If you aren't going we aren't also. You're sick, we will take care of you." The thought of Ron and Harry taking care of her almost made her laugh. But the thoughts were quickly overtaken by draco. "On second thought at the idea of Ron and Harry taking care of me. I think dinner sounds great." She smiled fake. But she didn't want to grow concerns from her friends.

"Yeah I wouldn't want that also." Hermione said, helping the small girl stand up.

The walk to the great hall made her body hurt. Seeing everywhere her and Draco would go. She held back tears upon tears. Hermione and Ron were laughing with each other while Harry was looking around suspiciously. He followed his pace to get next to his sister. "I didn't tell them about Draco yet. I have to see the Dark Mark before I can make them believe." She could have told the truth. She could have told her brother that she had already seen the Dark Mark and had it confirmed with Draco he was in fact a death eater.

"I won't believe it till I see it also." Yet she didn't. As they walked into the Great hall she was met with food lined on the tables, yet having the appetite of nothing. Almost feel sick looking at it. She did however made a plan, she won't look at the Slytherin table. Not one look.

She was trying her best to be strong. Seeing him would break that now. "Looks delicious." she faked another smile. Something she saw herself doing more than anything. Ron had his face full. Harry was talking to a professor. Hermione was off to find Luna. There she sat just looking at the food in front of her, picking at it sometimes.

She felt the seats beside her get taken up. She paid no attention to whoever it was. "Hello Everlyn." An unfamiliar voice spoke to her. This made her jump, she turned to see Vincent to the other side Crabbe.

She rolled her eyes, "What do you want?" She asked plainly. She was over this already. Draco didn't talk about his friends, but when he did it wasn't ever good things.

"We have a question for you." Crabbe said, as Ron looked up at this scene. He gave her the look of 'You okay?' To which she nodded her head. "Ask away." She said looking back and forth between them. "Why did you brother in such a hurry run after Draco?" Everlyn heart stopped. She eyes went wide, Ron just looked confused.

"Where did Draco say he was going?" Everlyn asked in a hurry. The boys looked startled by this. "To the bathroom?" With these words Everlyn was off. Her feeling hitting the ground at such a harsh, and fast pace, causing pain to go up her leg as she did. She ran at a million hours per second. Harry wanted proof, and he was going to get it putting draco at harm. She couldn't let that happen.

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