Questions - 7

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She made it to the boys bathroom which wasn't in use any more. Draco had talked about how before he had her to talk too he would go there. "Draco!" She screamed as she ran in. Before she could make it fully in she saw spells flying back and forth.

She hide behind a wall, "Draco! Please stop!" She screamed again but the sound of breaking wood, breaking of everything was too overpowering. She saw Harry on the other side. "Harry, please stop!" She screamed tears breaking their way.

She couldn't let them get hurt by each other. But more importantly she couldn't let Harry find out. She took her wand into her hand, before stepping out from where she was hiding.

Draco in the corner of his eye saw the one person he wanted to see. He was fast to turn to her smiling, this only causing him to stop seeing Harry. And Harry took that as an opportunity.

"Sectumsempra." Harry moved his wand. "No!" Everlyn screamed as the curse hit him, sending Draco flying backwards. "No!" She screamed again running into the battle right to Draco. Harry eyes widen at his sister, "Everlyn lift up his sleeves!" He said to her as draco was gasping for air, blood draining from his body.

"No! No you need to go get snape!" She screamed at him. Harry looked shocked, "Snape knows he's one, he will only kill us! Everlyn lift up his sleeves!" Harry said walking closer to the girl on the ground holding a bleeding body of the boy she loves.

"No!" She screamed again pulling out her wand pointing it at her brother. Harry stepped back, "Everlyn?" She cried even more. "You will go get snape and you will not come back in here." She commanded. Holding Draco's face in her hand since she put down her wand after her command.

"Everlyn I can't. I have to know." Harry said, Everlyn cried even more. "Harry, I love him! Please go get Snape!" She begged him. "I beg you." Harry looked at his broken sister. "Fine." He walked out.

Everlyn turned her fall attention on the boy in her arms. "Draco I'm so sorry." She cried to him. "You can't die thinking I hated you. I don't, I don't hate you." She let her tears fall onto him. "We will buy a big house for our three kids. Be able to walk to the lake as the sun set as a family. A family who will know love. I need that! I need you!" She put her forehead to his. That was when she heard his frantic breathing slow down, "no!" She screamed. "Help! Someone help!" Was all she could get out.

She heard footsteps coming closer, so she yelled even more. The footsteps slowly turned into snape. As he walked in on his scene he looked horrified. "Move potter!" He said, pushing the girl off Draco's dying body. She felt like she couldn't breathe. Snape picked up his limp body, "he'll be okay right? He will be fine right?" She cried to the professor who had protected Draco this year at Hogwarts.

Snape didn't say anything. He looked at her, then went out the door. Evelryn felt like she couldn't move from the ground. The pool of blood of the one she loves. Blood all over her freshly washed clothes. She knew the tears wouldn't stop, and she had no intention to make them. She couldn't move till she knew he would be okay. She felt as hours passed from her last seeing of him. She didn't know what to do yet, she felt useless to him now.

"Everlyn?" She heard a very known voice, she didn't say anything else. "Everlyn?" It was Hermione coming in. She had some of Everlyns clothes with her, but when she saw this broke girl who was her friend it hurt her. "Oh my Everlyn." She said getting on her knees in front of Everlyn. Her tears left, "Harry told me to come check on you." She said Everlyn didn't say anything.

It had been a couple hours by now, Hermione and Everlyn stayed in there just sitting next to each other. Hermione is just trying to be there for her best friend. "I love him." Everlyn said, crying even more. Hermione looked heart broken. "I know you do." Everlyn wiped her face, "I couldn't let him get hurt any more." She sobbed, "He's not a bad guy, he's just a product of his father." Hermione laid her head on her shoulder. "Everlyn we need to head back and sleep." Hermione said standing up, Everlyn put her hand into hers. Hermione basically dragged her back into her room.

The next day came, and she just laid in bed. "Come on." Hermione said to her friend. "We have to act like you are fine. So put on your fake face and go out there and smile." Everlyn rolled her eyes. "It isn't that easy." She said, Her friend looked heartbroken. Then there was loud pounding on her door. She jumped up fast as did Hermione. Everlyn ran to the door hoping it was anyone who knew if Draco was okay. "Everlyn, it's Draco."

She ran so fast, scared that this news would be bad. She had to be the first to be there for him. Even though she might be the last person she thought he would want to see. The death eater things still ate at her but she wouldn't let him get hurt again.

As she entered the medical wing, she saw many people with many visitors. The place had been crowned for an odd reason she hadn't put together. She had been pushed and she had pushed people trying to find him. It looked like every bed had been filled. "Drcao!" She said at loud probably not heard because of everyone talking.

As she made it to the last bed, she saw beautiful grey eyes, sitting up, with his hair a little more messy than normal. She ran to him, jumping onto the bed hugging him tightly. Draco was so fast to hug his girl back. "Hey!" Draco exclaimed, laughing alittle. "I thought you might die." She let out a tear. "And leave this world with you hating me. No way." He said holding her even tighter.

"I didn't mean to make you distracted while fighting him. I just wanted both of you to stop." She explained herself as if she had too. Draco didn't blame her. He couldn't never. "It isn't your fault. I would take being almost killed if it means you're the last thing I see." Everlyn let out more tears, she wanted him so bad. She wanted to be with him so badly.

"Did he see it?" Draco questioned nervously. Everlyn pulled away from the embrace. She wanted to look him in his eyes. "No. He told me to lift up your sleeves. I said no. So he knows maybe but he hasn't seen it." She said Draco looked more confused. "Why didn't you?" Evelryn knew the answer to his question. Could she ever say it, of course not.

"I won't let you get sent away. Even after you did this to me." Draco frowned at her words. 'Even after you did this to me.' Though words replayed in his head. Over and over again. Pacing back-and-forth. Henever wanted to hurt her. Out of everyone in this world, he didn't want to hurt her.

Evelryn laid next to him, they both didn't talk. They just stay there in each other's presence. Truly it's what they both needed.

After days Draco was released, Harry had been making a plan to get him exposed. But he wouldn't talk to Everlyn about it. All though Everlyn was never around anyways. When the second class was over she went to Draco's bed in the medical wing.

After his release, he stopped seeing Evelyn as much. Of course she grew concerned but she couldn't be seen with him anyways. The word went around like wildfire. About why he got hurt, who hurt him, why before he went to the medical wing he had his wrist bandaged. Questions so kys he could answer. So which she got asked a lot about.

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