Let loose - 3

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Her watery eyes had being blurring her vision. Which ended up with her crashing into someone. "I'm sorry." she said quickly. "Everlyn?" A familiar voice asked as she wiped her eyes, clearing her from the storm. The ice blonde hair you could see anywhere. "Oh Draco." She nodded standing up. Draco took a long look at her. "Have you been crying?" He asked with concern in his recipe voice. From what she could tell, he really meant it, he really meant asking concern questions to her. It's slowly starting to blow her mind. "Yeah I'm fine." She said fast. Draco thought just didn't stop looking at her. "No you're not. Was it the great hall?" Draco looked into the girl's eyes. As she did the same, she started to notice things such as his eyes which are as gray as stone. "No, no it wasn't the great hall." She spoke really trying to get off this conversion. Yet Draco wanted more answers. He looked into the soul of her as if he could see her every thought. "Your friends? Did they do something to you?" Everlyn was taken back by this. It's like he knew her every thought. "No- Well kinda." Everlyn started to walk as Draco walked beside her, "Ron yelled at me about you. That me walking with you was friending the enemy." Dracos grew closer to her. "The enemy being me?" He asked which everlyn nodded to. "Do you believe i'm the enemy?" Draco asked the girl. He grabbed her hand, stopping from walking forward. Everlyn didn't know what to say. She had lost her breath, she felt her skin crawl at his touch also. Everything throws her off guard. "I don't know. Are you?"

Draco didn't let go of her, "I dont think im an enemy of yours. Your little friends very much so." To be honest, what she could see was true. "The enemy of my friends is an enemy of mine." Her bright green eyes meet his. "I don't believe that." He smiled showing off one of his best features which amazed Everlyn.

"How come? You had never said one thing nice to me before. Never done one nice thing." Too think they were having a conversion was enough nice Draco can take. But yeah he wanted to be nice to her. "You deserve someone who values you." Draco replied, Everlyn took this in. "Now check off nice things from your list." Draco and Everlyn laughed.

So on their night went, talking, walking, and being nice as Draco had said. It wasn't till hours had passed when Everlyn noticed. "Draco if we go back now we won't get any sleep." She said to Draco so he would be done talking to her. "No. No, not yet." He cried trying to make the girl stay. They had been laying at the lake for hours now, hoping not to get caught. "Draco please we have too." She stood up, Draco cried before doing the same. The walk back was quiet, Draco took the monument to put his hand into hers. His hand compared to her was like the size of an ocean compared to a pond. They both quite liked it, how big his hand was made her feel protected and warm. And for Draco all he wanted was to feel as if he could protect her when her hand is in his. He knew it was far from the truth though.

"Why are you so mean to everyone? Why can't you act like this everyday?" What she asked was simply yet for Draco it brought up so much pain. "I liked to guess my father. He always told me, you can't let people in. So I stopped." His broken eyes met hers. Ones so full of brightness to him. Like a light. "You're a product of your father." She smiled sadly before going up one of the moving stairs going back to her house. Draco stood there watching her figure disappear. Bitter sweet really that the night had to end since Everlyn knew this side of him would be gone.

– Morning –

Everlyns lack of sleep was starting to sit in. After only her third class, she was ready to pass out. Every Time she walked by him in the hallways, he wouldn't talk to her. Even when she went out of her way to say hi. He never would say it back. She knew what she thought last night was true. How he wont be on this side tomorrow. She knew that this was all her plan but she couldn't help but still feel upset. 

She walked out of her class, Ancient Runes. She didn't have it with any of her friends which ended with her falling asleep in class. Though the teacher didn't seem to look over at the sleeping girl so she wasn't in trouble. She had a break period, so in action she started off to the common room. "Everlyn!" A voice yelled for her. She knew it was Draco, she knew that even though she was hurting. She still had a plan to uphold. "Draco." She said tightly. Draco looked at her confused. "Are you upset at me?" He asked the question which held power to her. "I said hi to you today. In the halls, and you didnt say anything back. I thought we were becoming friends." Her voice sounded heart broken. Draco looked at her with joy. "You want to be seen with me in the halls?" He asked, smiling. "We are friends aren't we?" Dracos smile grew so bright.

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