Loves - 4

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Harry and Hermione started to yell at eachother about some book Harry had gotten. Ron and Everlyn start fighting over Draco. "Ron! Stop acting like he's the worst person to live!" She screamed at him. Ron wasn't afraid to do the same, "He is Everlyn! He is! Why have the past 5 years you seen that but now it's 'oh he's not so bad' and 'he's just misunderstood.'" Ron faked a girls voice when he said that. "First! I do not sound like that!" She exploded at him. The other side you heard a different story, "Harry! The book has been edited, you must turn it in!" Hermione yelled, reaching for the book but Harry would back up. "Hermione, I need it! I might actually pass!" Harry reasoned with her. But it was a failed attempt. "You know what I think you are jealous of him! Because I actually have someone who wants me!" Everlyn spoke loudly. Ron laughed, "Oh really! Whos parents are still around huh? I'm wanted more than you'll ever be!" Ron hadn't even processed what he had said. But Everlyn sure did. So did Harry and Hermione.

"Ron!" Harry screamed at him, as Everlyn's mouth hung open. "Don't yell at him, she started it." Hermione stood up for her friend. "To talk about our dead parents!" Screams from both sides of the room. Everlyn knew she wasn't getting to her class any more. 10 minutes had passed of yelling non stop. Hermione finally had enough. She pulled out her wand, putting it to her neck. "ENOUGH!" Her voice echoed, making them cover their eyes. "Bloody-" Ron said.

"This is done! Everyone says sorry and we will deal with this as time goes on. I'm tired of us always fighting now! We all made mistakes! Live them down!" Hermione walked off. Everyone was quiet besides Harry who ran after Hermione.

20 minutes, turned into 30 then 40. Ron and Everlyn didn't say anything. Just sat there in silence. "Remember when I ate slugs." Ron said smiling, Everlyn tried to hold in her laugh. Soon it broke free. "I do." She chuckled while saying it. Her laugh slowly died down again. Making silences again. "I'm sorry." Ron said, Everlyn quickly sat up. "Oh my god, me too. I just couldn't be the first to say it." She smiled at him. He laughed, "I know. Something you and Malfoy actually have in common." She laughed again. "I don't like him, but if it's so important to you. Then go after him." Ron said, suppressing his face. "Ron, i- I don't actually like him. Truly, I'm trying to find out if he's a death eater." She said, She knew deep down thought that one of these was a lie. She wanted that to be the truth so badly. "Well if you're going to do that. Do it soon." Was the last words from the friend group spoken that night.

– 9 months later —

"Draco I mean study! I won't tell you again!" Everlyn lectured the tall boy. Draco just didn't stop looking at her smiling of course. The past couple months, they had gotten extremely close. He wasn't scared to walk with her in the halls, it was actually one of the highlights of his day. They would walk around the grounds together all the time, outside people would say they are a couple. They hadn't used that word yet.

"I can't focus when there is a beautiful girl in front of me." He flirted, smiling even more. Everlyn smirked at him, "Nice try. study." She said, rolling her eyes. The library was not so populated today, as there was a quidditch match between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Everlyn wasn't planning on going, Draco in turn wasn't planning on going either.

"You think I'm joking." Draco said, acting shocked. "Yes actually." She turned her head at him smiling. He stood up pulling the girl up with him. He started to dance with her, she just let loose while he moved her. He started to hum as he did. The dance moves to both of them trying. Draco spinned her, causing her laughs to fill the library. As they danced, they moved closer to the window on the other side of the book shelfs.

Slowly they both stopped dancing. Everlyn was held to his chest as she laid her head down on him. Trying to catch her breath from being so close to him. Draco wouldn't loosen his hold on her for the world. It was scary to them, feeling all theses feelings.

"Look." Draco said to the girl pointing out the window. Everlyn opened her eyes, it was a beautiful sun set on the other side. Every second felt like being so cared for. The moment couldn't ever be replaced. "Come with me." Everlyn said going to get out of his grasp on her. "No. No please a couple more minutes." He begged. Everlyn lifted her head to look at him. His eyes seemed filled with tears, Everlyn felt her heart break. "Of course." She laced her head back down on him. As he put his chin on top of her head.

She knew, right then. Right there. That whatever this is between them is no longer a plan to find out the truth. She couldn't go a day without him being there. A day without talking to him. Or hearing his flirting remarks. She couldn't live without him. He was her oxygen now, she had completely and utterly fallen in love with him.

For Draco. His heart had grown so much because of a girl he had hated for so long. He wanted her to always be safe, and the safety he thought could be with him. He would set the world on fire, yet he wouldn't let the flame touch her. His fathers teaching had fallen short for her. He would die for her, he knew that. She was the sun, to his storm. The gravity to his world. Everything to him.

People started to come back from the game. Of course some people come into the library to study since O.W.Ls was coming up. They finally broke the embrace they had on eachother. As they walked over to the table they were at. Everlyn saw Draco wipe his eyes. She didn't understand fully why he was crying. But asking would end up with him lying saying that he wasn't. As they sat again, she now couldn't take her eyes off of him. "Everlyn remembers to study." Draco joked off of what she said to him earlier. "But it's hard to focus when you are so beautiful." Her smart remark got a laugh out of him.

As they studied off, she started to hear yelling of her name. She knew that it was Harry. She also knew what it was about. She looked at Draco quickly closing her book. Draco saw and heard such a hurry. "Why are you guys in such a hurry?" He asked standing up. "What? I'm not in a hurry." She said putting all of her books up. Draco watched her do said putting books up. "No you are. Everything alright?" Draco asked again. Everlyn grabbed her bag. "Yes everything is fine. Trust me! Bye!" She said kissing his check before running off. Draco was taken back by the kiss on the cheek. Everlyn has not paid no mind to it.

"Harry! Harry!" She yelled running around the halls. It had been a couple minutes since the library. She wanted to go back after but Draco was proteome already. "Harry!-" a hand grabbed her, pulling her behind a corner covering her mouth. She panicked for a minute before seeing who it was. "Geez Harry couldn't be a little nice." She said Harry covered her mouth again. Making her eyes go wide. "Shhh." Was all he had said before making her look around the corner. Only pecking her head around, it was Draco and snape. She felt her heart drop. "I made an unbreakable vow to protect you. And you aren't even getting ready for this." Snape yelled at the boy, who had so much fear in his eyes.

She almost lost her breathing at this sight. "Falling for that potter girl? You know you can't and I won't be killed for having you doing so!" Harry looked at Everlyn. But she hadn't taken her eyes off of Draco. Tears started to break through her eyes. "Go get ready for this. Don't keep them waiting." He said, pushing him down the hall.

" I had originally come to tell you I had learned about the horcruxes. Then when I found you I saw this. Looks like your plan can finally come to an end." Harry explained as tears rolled down her face. "No." She said still not facing him. "What do you mean no?" Harry asked. Everlyn shakes her head, "we can't believe what we just heard. We need confirmation. Not over hearing a conversation." Everlyn explained. "Everlyn but-" Harry started up again. "No! We have to see it." She said once again. Her tears never stopped, Harry knew his sister though. She was hurt, he didn't want to believe it. "I'll be back okay I left one of my books out in the library. Then we will talk about horcruxes." She said walking away.

Really, the truth is she just was hurting so much. She saw how scared he was. She didn't want this to be true. For god sake she loves him.

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