You didn't mean too - 8

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She needed to get away, out of this castle. She couldn't go to lake. It just reminded her of him. And for now and the rest of her life she needed to forget him. A potter couldn't fall for a death eater. The one person who wanted them was a dead follower. Befriend the enemy like Ron had said before. She looked at the astronomy tower, she felt like it was the place to be.
The place to be for a while, yet her feelings of evil grew. She had always listened to her gut, always will. As she looked at it her body moved towards it. Without even thinking about it.
Her walk up had been quiet. She felt as if something was wrong. The second her foot landed on the next step in front of her she was pulled behind a wall. "What the-" she stopped seeing Harry looking at her. He had so much fear in his eyes. She knew him, she knew him better than anyone. This wasn't good, he put his finger up to his lip. Telling the girl to be quiet. She still looked confused, Harry started to pull her somewhere.
As they walked, she heard a very familiar voice. A voice in which she loved so much. "Draco what are you doing?" Another familiar voice, Dumbledore. She was now more confused. "Isn't it clear." Draco said, rising up his sleeve showing his dark mark. Everlyn felt her feet take pace. "Everlyn." Harry yelled and whispered for her. She had no idea she was even moving. Till Draco made eye contact with her, "Draco dont!" She yelled at him, tears falling from her face.
She hadn't realized how quickly he could make her cry. He didn't also, "Everlyn you cant be here!" Draco yelled at her, she looked confused but hurt at him. "Why? Why do this Draco? We could have helped you!" She yelled before feeling something cold touch her neck. Draco's eyes widen, Everlyn turned her head.
Bellatrix Lestrange stood with Evelryn back pushed against her. And her wand at her neck. "Why? Aw poor baby. Lord Voldemort said so, in which Draco has too." She said pulling her wand closer to Evelryn's throat choking her a little. "Bellatrix leave her alone. She has nothing to do with this." Draco said fearing something might happen to her. "Do what Draco?" Everlyn spoke again, letting a single tear fall.
"Don't you see Evelryn, I have to do this. I have to kill Dumbledore." Draco cried sightly. "No you don't." She cried to him, "shush little potter. Or should I say Lily." Draco looked so angry at her at Evelryn though he looked Heartbroken. As did she.
"I can't do it." Draco said crying. She wanted to hug him so badly. "I can't do it." She had hope he would say that. Hoped he would see how dumb this was. How much this could break everything. It was like snape come out of the dark. "Snape?" Evelryn spoke again. "I thought I said no talking." Her wand started to choke Everlyn more. Draco saw this, "Bellatrix. Let me take her. She won't fight against me." Draco said, walking over to the two. Evelryn looked at him hurt. Bellatrix laughed before throwing the girl into his arms. Instead of Draco pulling his wand out at her, she grabbed her into a hug.
"I'm sorry." He cried to his girl. "It's okay you didn't mean too." She said holding her boy closer. They hadn't been listening to the conversation behind them, "just listen to my voice okay." Everlyn wanted him to focus on anything but what's happening. "I love you so much. And I'm so proud of you, for not being able to do this. You might have agreed but this means you aren't bad." Everlyn explained as whispers to him.
Draco cried even more, Evelryn did too. They hold eachother, till Everlyn heard the spell she had feared, as if in slow motion. Draco and Everlyn both turned around. She watched as Dumbledore's body fell off the astronomy Tower. she screamed at the top of her lungs. She turned too who did it, she saw snapes wand at fault.

"No!" She screamed, pulling out her wand as Draco tried to hold her back. "Expelliarmus!" She yelled at snape. He blocked it. "Expelliarmus!" She yelled again at him. Blocking it once again, "Draco hold her!" Bellatrix yelled at him. Draco couldn't do it.
Bellatrix casted a spell at Everlyn, "Crucio." Evelryn fell in the floor in pain. Screaming at the top of her lungs. "No!" Draco yelled. Falling right to her side, as she screams only got louder. "Leave her. Come." Snape said. Draco looked between his girl crying and screaming on the floor. And Snape and the others are leaving.
"Go." She screamed through the pain. "I can't leave you like this!" Draco cried to her. "I don't care! Go!" She screamed in pain. Draco cried even more, "I love you so much. So much! I will come back for you! Always! I swear! Always!" Tears falling onto her. "And forever." Everything went black.

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